How much of a role did he play in the casting though? I thought some of these roles were picked from higher ups. Casting for Flash, Joker, Lex was utterly horrendous. Aquamomoa was good for Aquamomoa, terrible for Aquaman. Heard is trash as Mera and trash as herself. Affleck isn?t a good Bruce Wayne, average Batman, too big. Not impressed. Would make for a better true TDKR Batman than the half-assed attempt. Amy Adams as Lois Lane was a joke, too old, not hot, red head. Gal Gadot, while good as version of WW, still isn?t Wonder Woman to me. This is Wonder Woman. Gina Carano was still the best choice. Gal gives off to much fairy princess vibes.
Actually, from everything I've read, yes, the casting is Snyder's (other than the Joker, I'm guessing).
The thing dude, is you just throw these statements out without any arguments to back them up.
You say "Casting for Flash, Joker, Lex was utterly horrendous." Why? Because Flash isn't a towering aryan blonde? Because you don't like his portrayal as a young insecure man? Because you don't think Flash should be the comic relief? You can't have an intelligent discussion if you don't make intelligent arguments.
A lot of people dislike Snyder's and Eisenberg's Lex, but they point out why. I always liked him because I loved how Snyder was riffing on the Silicon Valley Zuckerberg-type Tech Moguls.
I get that Momoa is not the way Aquaman is portrayed in the comics (another towering aryan blonde...), but the characterisation as the unwilling heir to the throne rings a bell from the comics I've read. Granted, not many, but that take on the character is there. And again, it's a version, one possible interpretation that fits with Snyder's leit-motif of estrangement.
So Amber Heard is trash... nice. Women can be categorised as either hot (your dislike of Amy Adams) or trash (Heard). But I digress... why is Heard's Mera trash?
You say Affleck is a bad Bruce Wayne. Why? You say he's average as Batman. Why? You say he's too big, but he's been portrayed as a hulking brute of a man many times. So why is he "too big"? Again, you put up no arguments to back any of it up.
Amy Adams is not hot enough to play Lois Lane? Seriously? That is your argument?

And she has been drawn as a redhead, BTW... So, why is she "a joke" for you?
Thankfully you do acknowledge that Gal Gadot is a good version of WW...
I?ve seen better visuals on the Xbox Series X. Hate the darkness, hate the environment he tries to create.
I don't have an Xbox, so I've no idea what you're talking about. But then it's "I hate" this and "I hate" that... Right...

You don't really expect a
real conversation there, do you?
At any rate, I do agree with others who have stated that some of the CGI looks bad, the Diana scene in front of the Amazonian temple comes to mind. That looks pretty poorly rendered.
Flash?s intro was one of the worst scenes of ZSJL and everything wrong with the character. I?ll give you the other two though.
Why do you think it's bad? Again, do you dislike how he is portrayed? I don't think you have ever stated what it is about the character that bothers you.
Nolan?s designs were great and fit his vision perfectly. Marvel?s designs were more good than bad too.
So, if Nolan's designs fit his vision they're good, but if Snyder's designs fit his vision, they're bad?
Snyder?s designs were mixed. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman were great. Really love Knightmare Batman especially. Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman were horrible, very ugly looking heroes. Cyborg was way too small. Aquaman armor was ugly. Flash suit looks like a kid designed it.
So what is it about Knightmare Batman that makes you "love" it? It's a very different look from what Batman usually looks like... I don't particularly like it, but it makes perfect sense in that post-apocalyptic world, so I'm fine with it. But you seem to dislike things that deviate from the majority of the comics, so why does this tickle your fancy?
Flash's suit is, technically, designed by a kid. Without much resources. At the beginning of his "career" as a superhero. Makes sense to me that it looks cobbled together. To you it's just "ugly".
Cyborg is also "ugly" and "too small". No idea, I haven't read many cyborg comics. I did, however, like the design, because it looks alien and not just like any other flashy armour. The way it looks makes sense to me, considering its alien origin.
Aquaman was "horrible" and "ugly". Yeah. Enlightening, as always. It's a matter of taste, of course, but I would point out that Aquaman's armour follows a design theme that is used for all Atlanteans, and design-wise, it also makes sense with its subtle aquatic motifs.
So, yeah. Whatever dude...