Broke and happy
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

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Warehouse scene is good yes.
TWS is not only better but the entire TWS movie is that warehouse scene on steroids.
BvS extended cut should?ve added another warehouse type scene instead Snyder gave us a fruit basket investigation what a fail lol
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Daughters Suicide and needed family time?
I honestly thought it was just ok to.
Just finished watching it again (just my second time), and it's good.
I guess it's Marvel's most daring movie, what with all the talk about freedom vs keeping people hostage to their fears. Quite political. The action is good, but I really don't see how any of the fighting scenes are supposed to be better than the BvS warehouse scene. And damn, these guys are ruthless... they take "take no prisoners" to another level! How many Hydra agents ("we have to assume people on the Helicarriers are Hydra", were the Captain's words?) were on those ships? Tens of thousands?
So after TWS, should I go for AOU? That's the next in line chronologically, right?
Back to the Snydercut, I can't wait to finally see it.
That was the official line. The unofficial reason is WB panicked because BvS didn't crack a bill and attracted bad reviews.
BvS > CW > TWS
Oh, and latest from Zack:
There's also the strong story that Geoff Johns (as the DCEU "chief" at the time) was working behind-the-scenes to boot Snyder out and pull Joss Whedon in after they had meetings with Whedon about future DCEU projects. Johns was never a fan of Snyder. Johns was apparently stoking the fires with WB Execs and he never liked Snyder's vision and storylines for the characters. Reportedly, they sneakily hired Whedon to do changes to the film while Snyder was working on post-production. After Snyder's daughter passed, Snyder wanted to keep working, but Johns, WB, and their constant meddling and the circumstances surrounding his daughter left him
It's a pretty interesting read:
One of the biggest reasons Snyder is back and being allowed to do this cut is because the man has been a trooper and has been a stand-up guy despite royally being screwed over. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Snyder has said NOTHING bad about Johns, Whedon, WB, etc. after he was screwed over. His cast also loved him.
Rumor is that Johns' meddling also contributed to Affleck leaving "The Batman".
Is Johns still at the studio?
Some folks say Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2 take place right after "The Winter Soldier" but if you're just sticking with the Earth stuff then yes, AOU would be next followed by Ant-man and then Civil War.