Prime Clone
Super Freak
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021
Wow, I?d forgot all about that!
Batman prison rape scene confirmed!![]()
Wow, I?d forgot all about that!

Batman prison rape scene confirmed!![]()
Back to Snydercut, yeah, the man truly has class: not a single bad word about anybody. All I?ve read is him saying there?s not much of his movie in what hit theaters.
Is Johns still at the studio?
Good question. I'd like to think the former. Apparently there's new management at WB that may have realised the mistakes of the past.
Guess it depends how much they think his brand is tainted with the wider moviegoing public. And maybe with the underperformance of Whedon's JL they figure another $20m investment might get them more of their original money back.
Well, there's always Ron Howard's Solo to draw comparisons. New director brought in at the last minute to reshoot and change the entire feel of the movie, yet, despite its lacklustre BO performance, Solo is actually a decent film. Same cannot be said about JL.
Steppenwolf wasn't supposed to look like that originally. Warner pushed Zack to change the design to something more "human", rather than using the design from the end of BvS.
Zack has said on Vero that Steppenwolf is getting a complete makeover in the Snyder Cut, to look more in line with what we saw in that scene with Luthor.
Rather than...
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Yeah, the actual CGI wasn't the problem - it was the "underdeveloped" design.
Bullcrap. The CGI was fine. The only problem with it was Doomsday didn't look exactly like the comic, which he really only needed the spikes.
View attachment 489557
Uhm... that looks a lot more grey than brown to me...
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