Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Not a little girl, but after the Asian Girl Boss Sith lady slays the evil spider lady, the noble proud Native American warrior (who in the previous scene had just tamed Buckbeak from Harry Potter "Avatar" style using his wise Native American ways) is the one that literally quotes "That was amazing!!"

It's like Snyder took a bunch of mushrooms and watched Star Wars, Dune, LOTR, Harry Potter, Avatar, and Seven Samurai and then puked his guts out, and the resulting mess is this movie.

Absolutely accurate IMO. It's Witcher Blood Origins bad, maybe worse. Frequently boring and terrible pacing and editing, shamelessly rips off so many other films I lost count, the main villain looks like Lurch from the Adams family and the big bad - was that Corey Feldman with a beard glued on? WTF.
Best I can say is now and then there's an interesting visual - there was whisper of hope with the Hopkins droid - quickly obliterated by PG tentacle smut as written by a thirteen year old and space horses from TROS. I lost all hope when Hawkeye from Last of the Mohicans did the Harry Potter horse whisperer thing.
Just watched it. I have to agree with the majority here -- the images/costumes/designs are beyond derivative. Nothing looks like a galaxy as a whole. And I got so tired of looking at muscles and guys in weight-lifting clothing disguised as other-planet wear.

There's a lot to poke at. Many have been brought up already.

I'm eager to read Alatar's review. I know he loves Snyder, loves this, so it will be educational what he finds so inspiring.

One little thing I have to point out: at the very end, the Lord of the Universe (Belasarius?) has the same accent as the traitor. You mean, Sofia didn't catch on to that? After being raised by him? You'd think that accent would set her hair on end. So many other subtle cues set her off throughout the movie, yet not that one? OK, whatever... it's a small thing... but it's emblematic of the whole show. From tiny embers grow great fires.
I'm just going keep expressing what I appreciate about it. People that hate (or to be kinder in some cases simply aren't fans of, dislike) what Snyder does pretty clearly won't see this film in any sort of positive light. I'm just holding out a bit of hope that there are some more openminded souls reading this forum that are able to appreciate what the movie is doing. And perhaps they might think about what I'm pointing out when they watch it for themselves. Or afterward when they reflect on the film, etc.

Does it really matter, though? This movie exists and you love it. That is a huge win.
Who cares what anyone else thinks?
I'm morbidly curious to check this out, but probably won't last more than 20 minutes into it. His movies tend to reflect exactly what was in the trailer, and the trailer for this was an indecipherable mess.
The start was the best bit, even if it is an Inglorious Basterds rip off.
The nitpicking I'm seeing going on this film is mindboggling, lol. If one has a mind too, one can take any movie and, like an attorney with any witness, absolutely rip it to shreds.

I'm just going keep expressing what I appreciate about it. People that hate (or to be kinder in some cases simply aren't fans of, dislike) what Snyder does pretty clearly won't see this film in any sort of positive light. I'm just holding out a bit of hope that there are some more openminded souls reading this forum that are able to appreciate what the movie is doing. And perhaps they might think about what I'm pointing out when they watch it for themselves. Or afterward when they reflect on the film, etc.
I am absolutely convinced if this was dropped on Netflix under another director's name there is no way it would be hated as much as it is.

What I also find strange is people hate Zack Snyder's movies and then even after years of complaining about how bad they are, and each one is terrible, year after year they keep spending their time complaining that they are bad. You said it 9 times, we know.

There are people in here complaining about a movie they haven't even seen.
I'm morbidly curious to check this out, but probably won't last more than 20 minutes into it. His movies tend to reflect exactly what was in the trailer, and the trailer for this was an indecipherable mess.
Shouldn't that be a good thing in this day and age where most trailers tell you the whole story in short form?
I heard the bad guy is dating an octopus-alien-thing.

Oh boy, that Snyder... wet-willys all around, eh?

I would love to have the power to make a movie and tell my audience "don't worry, everything will be explained later"...
Like the original Star Wars Trilogy?
I am absolutely convinced if this was dropped on Netflix under another director's name there is no way it would be hated as much as it is.

What I also find strange is people hate Zack Snyder's movies and then even after years of complaining about how bad they are, and each one is terrible, year after year they keep spending their time complaining that they are bad. You said it 9 times, we know.

There are people in here complaining about a movie they haven't even seen.
Same can be said for those who endlessly praise his work. We heard you the first 9 times.

Let everyone voice their opinions, good or bad. Some minds will be changed one way or the other. That way, and may see some sort of genuine consensus come out of it. Plus, maybe one day Snyder will make a true work of art that everyone agrees is great. On that day all you will hear is praise
Same can be said for those who endlessly praise his work. We heard you the first 9 times.

Let everyone voice their opinions, good or bad. Some minds will be changed one way or the other. That way, and may see some sort of genuine consensus come out of it. Plus, maybe one day Snyder will make a true work of art that everyone agrees is great. On that day all you will hear is praise
I don't think critiquing art repeatedly is the same as appreciating its merits repeatedly. Especially in a thread just about the art itself. Granted it's early and the movie has just come out and like you say everyone is entitled to their opinion. The hate for it, imo, seems exaggerated and forced. I hate plenty of things but I'm not going to spend much time in a thread about the thing I hate. I'm curious why others approach it differently and spend so much energy on it.

Complaining about slow motion in a Zack Snyder movie is like complaining there are cringe/d1ck/far1 jokes in a James Gunn movie or Gothic elements in a Tim Burton movie. Sure you can do it, but what's the point? We all know they are going to be there, on purpose too.

I think he has made plenty of movies that are true works of art, we are just waiting for some of the audience to catch up ;)
Oh no.... again, this is what I feared.

Alatar... where are your peeps? As you say, lots of haters, perhaps.... but on the flip-side, I think you might be too enamored to see this for what it is (or may be). 'Haters' bad, so 'Lovers' good...? But not if they are blind followers willing to do whatever it takes for their leader.

They’re definitely out there. I see devoted Snyder fans all over Twitter/X, You Tube, and on reddit. Those are the main platforms I use, but I’m sure they’re also on Instagram and Discord, which I don’t use. Oh, and I see them routinely on FB as well in the 1/6 hobby groups I follow.

I think the problem for Snyder fans is they’re weary of defending something they love and appreciate on such an ongoing basis, that gets so savagely attacked over and over. Judging from what I see on reddit, and to some extent Twitter/X, my impression is that at this point they’re content to mostly lurk versus post. It just wears one down to have to constantly deal with (often deeply vitriolic) hate against something one loves. To compound the problem internet anonymity breeds the worst sort of obnoxious behavior when people hate something.

Have Snyder fans often responded in kind? Lol, obviously, yes. Sure, they have. Or at any rate many of them have, anyway. Which is only natural. For the most part I’ve always strived to write on social media what I would say in person if I was face to face with someone. But frankly I’m an outlier in that regard. (Not tooting my own horn there, but that’s pretty much factual.)

As for my objectivity or lack thereof… I’m looking at what Snyder does through a particular lens that best I can tell is fairly uncommon. Again, not trying to claim that I’m special, but I think again that’s factual. I’m mostly struck by how a film speaks to the psyche at the unconscious level. I’m utterly fascinated by that proposition, actually. And I enjoy following that aesthetic where it leads me. I do that for selfishly me, not for anyone else. If others can get something out of what I take the time to share about it, naturally that’s awesome. That’s what motivated me to create the blog
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I heard the bad guy is dating an octopus-alien-thing.

Oh boy, that Snyder... wet-willys all around, eh?

I would love to have the power to make a movie and tell my audience "don't worry, everything will be explained later"...
Like the original Star Wars Trilogy?
The difference being Lucas released an entire trilogy of movies (the PT) set a generation earlier to "explain everything later" (even though many wished he hadn't), whereas Zack releases alternate long-form versions of the same movie. And yes many directors release director's cuts of their movies, but other than Zack I can't think of any who actually openly discuss them before the film's premiere.
I heard the bad guy is dating an octopus-alien-thing.

Oh boy, that Snyder... wet-willys all around, eh?

I would love to have the power to make a movie and tell my audience "don't worry, everything will be explained later"...

Doesn’t real life do this to us all the time though? Like that’s the norm in real life in fact. I get that fiction… here in the form of cinema… is not real life. But personally, I like that the real world makes me dig and think and have to cipher things out on a kind of journey of discovery if you will. That’s exactly how our psyche matures, right?
The difference being Lucas released an entire trilogy of movies (the PT) set a generation earlier to "explain everything later" (even though many wished he hadn't), whereas Zack releases alternate long-form versions of the same movie. And yes many directors release director's cuts of their movies, but other than Zack I can't think of any who actually openly discuss them before the film's premiere.
He did, 20 years later. And they worked well without the explanation anyway.

I don't think the long form versions are going to explain everything either. Just fill in some parts.

I think he's, one, being up front with his fans, especially after what happened with his other movies and two, giving Netflix 4 "releases" from two movies.
It was ok , not the new hope for a diferent and better star wars but at least it was better than any Disney Show
They’re definitely out there. I see devoted Snyder fans all over Twitter/X, You Tube, and on reddit. Those are the main platforms I use, but I’m sure they’re also on Instagram and Discord, which I don’t use. Oh, and I see them routinely on FB as well in the 1/6 hobby groups I follow.

I think the problem for Snyder fans is they’re weary of defending something they love and appreciate on such an ongoing basis, that gets so savagely attacked over and over. Judging from what I see on reddit, and to some extent Twitter/X, my impression is that at this point they’re content to mostly lurk versus post. It just wears one down to have to constantly deal with (often deeply vitriolic) hate against something one loves. To compound the problem internet anonymity breeds the worst sort of obnoxious behavior when people hate something.

Have Snyder fans often responded in kind? Lol, obviously, yes. Sure, they have. Or at any rate many of them have, anyway. Which is only natural. For the most part I’ve always strived to write on social media what I would say in person if I was face to face with someone. But frankly I’m an outlier in that regard. (Not tooting my own horn there, but that’s pretty much factual.)

As for my objectivity or lack thereof… I’m looking at what Snyder does through a particular lens that best I can tell is fairly uncommon. Again, not trying to claim that I’m special, but I think again that’s factual. I’m mostly struck by how a film speaks to the psyche at the unconscious level. I’m utterly fascinated by that proposition, actually. And I enjoy following that aesthetic where it leads me. I do that for selfishly me, not for anyone else. If others can get something out of what I take the time to share about it, naturally that’s awesome. That’s what motivated me to create the blog
Yeah, frankly I don't get those that are at either end of the Snyder love-hate spectrum. And while I was mildly entertained for the most part while watching this movie it obviously didn't move me the way it did you. But as you say, we look at these things through different lens and I respect that. Earlier you shared your disbelief at the "nitpicking" in some people's reviews. You may very well have been referring to me, but I wasn't nitpicking. These days if you don't come prepared with a laundry list supporting your particular opinion (especially about one of Zack's films) then you're opening yourself up to needless ridicule. Perhaps I should have digested the film a bit longer before posting but I wanted to share what I found disappointing while it was fresh in my mind. That said I do think the presence of social media and the ready availability online of multiple reviews prior to a film's release has a great influence on many of the views expressed here and elsewhere on the net. We all like to view ourselves as independent thinkers but on a subconscious level most of us want to be accepted & fit in so no doubt there's some group-think happening on both sides of the Snyder debate. Its funny but prior to becoming active on this forum I really didn't give ZS or directors in general a 2nd thought. I remember when he was announced as the director for MoS my only reaction was "Oh, the guy who did 300 & Watchmen? OK, sounds good to me". But seriously, it was a new Superman movie so save for Uwe Boll any director would have been fine with me back then lol...
Yeah, frankly I don't get those that are at either end of the Snyder love-hate spectrum. And while I was mildly entertained for the most part while watching this movie it obviously didn't move me the way it did you. But as you say, we look at these things through different lens and I respect that. Earlier you shared your disbelief at the "nitpicking" in some people's reviews. You may very well have been referring to me, but I wasn't nitpicking. These days if you don't come prepared with a laundry list supporting your particular opinion (especially about one of Zack's films) then you're opening yourself up to needless ridicule. Perhaps I should have digested the film a bit longer before posting but I wanted to share what I found disappointing while it was fresh in my mind. That said I do think the presence of social media and the ready availability online of multiple reviews prior to a film's release has a great influence on many of the views expressed here and elsewhere on the net. We all like to view ourselves as independent thinkers but on a subconscious level most of us want to be accepted & fit in so no doubt there's some group-think happening on both sides of the Snyder debate. Its funny but prior to becoming active on this forum I really didn't give ZS or directors in general a 2nd thought. I remember when he was announced as the director for MoS my only reaction was "Oh, the guy who did 300 & Watchmen? OK, sounds good to me". But seriously, it was a new Superman movie so save for Uwe Boll any director would have been fine with me back then lol...

I wasn't thinking of any of your posts in particular! I mean, I guess it's a sort of "if the shoe fits" thing there. This movie is getting a lot of attention, and it was promoted as "could this be the next Star Wars?" Which is pretty much asking for this sort of trouble, essentially, right? But anyway, therefore of course people are studying it more than they will, say, Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom. (🤣 Ah, man. Poor Jason Mamoa!)

The place I was coming from is that I'm a moderator of a reddit sub dedicated to Snyder's films. And I see those sorts of reactions on the sub (plus a similar sub that I moderated at for a time as well), as well as on You Tube, and Twitter. The level at which this film is getting a kind of hyper-critical focus, being placed under a microscope, etc., strikes me as rather extraordinary.

But actually I think Zack Snyder welcomes that sort of engagement. Come to think of it, he's probably pulling for it too, more than likely. It's exasperating to me personally, though. Because as I mentioned, if one has a mind to one can pick apart any artwork. A highly commercial product such as a film is especially vulnerable to it. And I don't see it applied to many films that are well regarded that Rebel Moon is for me much more entertaining than. I mean, you don't see this for... I dunno... just thinking of a popular franchise where films have become predictable and bland... a lot of MCU films, let's say.
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The only characters I cared about in this movie was soldier turned rebel (that looked like Justin), the almost raped girl, and the Sommar droid.

All calories, no substance… pretty much like the DCEU.
The only characters I cared about in this movie was soldier turned rebel, the almost raped girl, and the Sommar droid.

All calories, no substance… pretty much like the DCEU.

Yup, another cockroach hamburger served up by Zack.

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