Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Is Snyder trying to tell us he has a tiny dick?

Or maybe he's left it to me to interpret and the tiny dick that I am relating that image too is my own! Snyder you genius!

Low hanging fruit but hey he set himself up haha
An optical illusion as they're only low hanging relative to the tiny dick. :wink1:

This must be the optical illusion alluded to:

·5 hr. ago

It was filmed in Anamorphic T1.5. That's why you're seeing a vignette of blurriness. It's supposed to create a sort of depth of field effect, but it doesn't work in this film, at all. It's not your TV or your setup, it's intentional and it's awful. Everything looks flat, fake, and blurry.

i.e., it looks like 💩.

If it's not the excessive use of lens flare it's the excessive blurriness.

Reminds me of the annoying 'supernatural' effect in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

I've been dipping in and out of the movie for the last five hours and have still only managed to watch thirteen minutes of it. :rolleyes:
It’s absolutely junk. It was pointless, boring and stupid. The story of how she got to be such a badass was laughable and the action unbelievable . She’s tiny thin, punches bad guys like she’s Mike Tyson and takes punches like she’s a Terminator. It’s absolutely Ridiculous. It’s another “big, bad empire” taking advantage of the poor, hardworking farmers who are going to rise up and kill the bad empire. Hello!?! Have we seen this before!?! 😑 The cloning thing at the end!?! OMG!!! Really!?! 🤣 Zero originality and a weak story line. Typical of movies these days with no substance. It’s not worth the cost of popcorn let alone the time it takes to get to the end. What a huge disappointment. 🤮 It’s a sad excuse for a movie and an Epic failure. I’ll go soak my head in a good book and leave this for the 14 year olds. How does this crap get made!?! Like what mindless corporate mogul approved this movie to be made and at the level of financial cost!?! He/she should be fired and banned from ever having that kind of position again, ever. 🤣😂🤮 Zack Snyder needs a new profession..
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plagiarism or homage...?

plagiarism or homage.jpg
the symbolism that I see is very much about appreciating what is organic and natural versus what is manufactured..

It's so common I wouldn't call it symbolism but rather a required trope. And an ancient trope at that. The Natural Man vs the Machine/Evil Tech. It's in everything and ever-present -- like the bad guys riding motorcycles vs the hero on a horse all the way to McClane's bare feet (the monkey wrench in the machine). Also, Snyder did this with a hammer to the head with Krypton.
It’s absolutely junk. It was pointless, boring and stupid. The story of how she got to be such a badass was laughable and the action unbelievable . She’s tiny thin punches bad guys like she’s Mike Tyson and takes punches like she’s a Terminator. It’s absolutely Ridiculous. It’s another “big, bad empire” taking advantage of the poor, hardworking farmers who are going to rise up and kill the bad empire. Hello!?! Have we seen this before!?! 😂 The cloning thing at the end!?! OMG!!! Really!?! 🤣 No originality and a weak story line. Typical of movies these days with zero substance. It’s not worth the cost of popcorn let alone the time it takes to get to the end. What a huge disappointment. 🤮 It’s a sad excuse for a movie and an Epic failure. I’ll go soak my head in a good book and leave this for the 14 year olds.

I'm trying to give it a fair chance, but Snyder doesn't make it easy. Forty-one minutes in and some of the characters and dialogue make The Book of Boba Fett look high art.

Visually, TBOBF was high art compared to some of the cinematography in this. In the campfire scene the stars in the background are so distorted they become vertical lines.

How does this crap get made!?!

I keep asking myself that question. :lol
i.e., it looks like 💩.

If it's not the excessive use of lens flare it's the excessive blurriness.

Reminds me of the annoying 'supernatural' effect in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

I've been dipping in and out of the movie for the last five hours and have still only managed to watch thirteen minutes of it. :rolleyes:

The RLM guys talked about this in their Army of the Dead review.

The RLM guys talked about this in their Army of the Dead review.


It works for some scenes, as in the Warhammer 40k inspired battle at around 46-47 minutes. But most of that effect, as the RLM guys said of Army of the Dead, makes the film "look like ass", and the choice to do it "baffling".
Is this movie brilliant or a study in WTF...?

Can anyone say 3 nice things about it... and then 3 critical things about it? Alatar?
It has a believable lived-in feeling Star Wars has been missing for 40 years. The sound was great. Some really good FX.

You can tell it's been edited down. It feels rushed in areas and some of the "dream lens" shots are awful.
I'm not the biggest Snyder fan, but I thought Rebel Moon was pretty good and entertaining. It's not particularly original and it isn't a masterpiece, but for me it's better than any Disney Star Wars film.
*Shrug* Reading some critic reviews - it's a shame, sounds like this is a collection of tropes and blatant ripoffs that sort of pound you in the head. But whatever, I'll watch it anyway and probably find it mildly enjoyable.

It's like all the Tolkien ripoffs I've read at this point - being an epic fantasy fan, most are pretty banal with some standouts here and there. Overall with apparently Aquaman tripping over itself, Dune getting pushed back, this release landing like the proverbial brick - well, basically, there's a reason I barely noticed the writer's strike.
Forty-one minutes in and some of the characters and dialogue make The Book of Boba Fett look high art.

BOBF is truly one of the high-water marks for garbage these days, but this is giving it a run for its money.

It's just so tiresome. It's so predictable. This was either written by a 5 year old, a computer, or a chimp. Maybe all three collaborated.

It's just so on-the-nose OBVIOUS it makes me wanna puke.

Oh no, the bad guys (all straight white men complete with matching Nazi haircuts) are about to assault that charming, sweet, innocent farmgirl. If only someone would stand up and help her, since the vaguely ethnic "good guy" Nazi failed to protect her.

No worries....vaguely ethnic GIRL BOSS is here!! She commands them to STOP! in a threatening voice and of course they all laugh, cause she's 110 lbs soaking wet and her arms resemble broomsticks.

But you'll never believe what happens next!! She overpowers and slaughters them all one by one in single arm-to-arm combat! Wow, she's amazing and fierce and stunning!!

Look. If you MUST have the Girl least attempt to be intelligent about it. Even in that aforementioned dreck BOBF, the single most capable and deadly character was a 5 foot tall 90 lb woman. She fights smart. She's a sharpshooter. She sneaks in and kills bad guys when they're not looking. She single-handedly killed all the bad guys at the end without even throwing a punch. Fennec is awesome. Rebel Moon Girl not.

It didn't have to be this way.
It's just so on-the-nose OBVIOUS it makes me wanna puke.

Oh no, the bad guys (all straight white men complete with matching Nazi haircuts) are about to assault that charming, sweet, innocent farmgirl. If only someone would stand up and help her, since the vaguely ethnic "good guy" Nazi failed to protect her.

No worries....vaguely ethnic GIRL BOSS is here!! She commands them to STOP! in a threatening voice and of course they all laugh, cause she's 110 lbs soaking wet and her arms resemble broomsticks.

But you'll never believe what happens next!! She overpowers and slaughters them all one by one in single arm-to-arm combat! Wow, she's amazing and fierce and stunning!!

This is pretty much what I feared and expected from ZS.

The "I wouldn't do that if I were you" moment... slo-mo too, right?
This is pretty much what I feared and expected from ZS.

The "I wouldn't do that if I were you" moment... slo-mo too, right?

Hell yes it's all in slo-mo/fast/slo-mo/ even had to ask?

Same situation happens again 15 minutes later in case we somehow missed what a complete and total BADASSSSS she is.