Super Freak
Punch Suckers 

I thought the first comment was a joke too
but when you post dumb ____ like this I can't help but think you are trying to make it personal. If you wish to continue we can always take it up with a mod.![]()
You rang? I am a Mod.
In the same way he tried to make you think about all the nonsensical philosophical bull____ that came out of the "mentor's" mouth all through the movieMeaningless dialogue attempting the give the movie some depth
When you put out a movie that has multiple fantasy worlds in the head of a girl at a mental hospital, you are asking for it to be analyzed to death. You don't make movies like this, if you don't want them analyzed. If this were just a straight up fantasy movie where these girls were some team carrying out a mission, people would probably accept that and just enjoy it because it looks pretty. When you add those extra layers, people are always going to try to dissect what everything means.
My interpretation of the movie is thatIn fact, I'm leaning toward Babydoll of the 2nd reality isn't really real either, that she and Sweetpea are actually the same person. She's the guardian angel that is there to give Sweet Pea the courage to escape, and her back story may in fact be a younger version of Sweet Pea. They both have a younger sister than they are determined to protect, and the bedroom on the stage that you first see Sweet Pea in therapy looks awfully like Babyboll's bedroom in the beginning of the movie.
In fact the first time we see Sweetpea she is "playing" Babydoll on stage about to be lobotomized and she strips off the wig. If we're not supposed to think they're the same person from that - I don't know what is. And Rocket dying when Babydoll's sister died - partly through something Babydoll did - that also fits with the idea that they are the same.
The only thing with that is...
Didn't they mention that Baby Doll helped another inmate escape as they were running down the list of things she did, right after her lobotomy? I'm referring about the real world part mind you. The part after we (the audience) find out she has been lobotomized
Judging from the reactions it seems "Sucker Punch" is this year's "The Last Airbender?" I haven't seen either, just going by trailers and audience response. Still looking forward to catching it on TNT in a couple of years just for the visuals alone.
Really? ____...Avatar was kinda better then this. I mean, the plot, while unoriginal and boring....made more sense.
Although, I do know this movie will never be overrated...because only like 6 people like it.
Yep - it's the ultimate in fooling yourself if you think Snyder didn't want the movie to operate on multiple levels. And that's where I have the problem - the straight up "prison break" I got - but the multiple character/multiple levels didn't really track.
In fact the first time we see Sweetpea she is "playing" Babydoll on stage about to be lobotomized and she strips off the wig. If we're not supposed to think they're the same person from that - I don't know what is. And Rocket dying when Babydoll's sister died - partly through something Babydoll did - that also fits with the idea that they are the same.
Rorywan said:It's pretty trashy until about 2 thirds in and then I found some of it quite vulgar...
...a little mean spirited at times.
Uh....no. It's more impactful NOT to show it if you want that scene to have meaning. It would fail if they shot it with ultra violence.
The whole reason why Snyder gave it a PG-13, was there was no nudity. He felt he would've annoyed people if it was R, and there was no tits.![]()