Is anyone going to see this???
Is anyone going to see this???
Entire extended families sticky and bloated from their Silver Diner 1/4 pound cheeseburgers and Cinnabons, lugging their buy-one-get-second-50% off (about to pass out from trundling 500 pounds of *&^ like kiosk calenders and cheap leather goods) through mile-long mega-malls crammed with hundreds doing the same thing.
U don't take the whole family through the holiday mall shopping gauntlet without topping it off at the movies, buying up entire rows to see the latest family-friendly blockbuster, and topping off the cheese nachos u had for lunch with a bucket of overpriced popcorn and a gallon of soda.
Re release dates, Disney knows exactly what it's doing. Not like you'd go to Cats instead and freak ur kids out. Disney's probably already handing out early bonuses.
Dude, TRY to remain objective.
Theaters are sold out all over, so yea people will go to see it.
And it WILL do big numbers. If your asking if anyone one this board will see it, again yes.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Entire extended families sticky and bloated from their Silver Diner 1/4 pound cheeseburgers and Cinnabons, lugging their buy-one-get-second-50% off (about to pass out from trundling 500 pounds of *&^ like kiosk calenders and cheap leather goods) through mile-long mega-malls crammed with hundreds doing the same thing.
U don't take the whole family through the holiday mall shopping gauntlet without topping it off at the movies, buying up entire rows to see the latest family-friendly blockbuster, and topping off the cheese nachos u had for lunch with a bucket of overpriced popcorn and a gallon of soda.
Re release dates, Disney knows exactly what it's doing. Not like you'd go to Cats instead and freak ur kids out. Disney's probably already handing out early bonuses.
Lol where are they sold out?
Sir that truly truly TRULY is an epic post no response could give it proper justice that is deserves therefore I will just let it stand as is.
I would literally never go to a movie at Christmas if the theaters were packed with morbidly obese families absolutely covered from head to toe in popcorn butter and cinnabon frosting.Holy crap that's freaking awesome, lol.
New changes to Han V Greedo?
My dna is programmed to watch any SW even bad SW.
It just is.