Oh yeah, I forgot about leaping frog Yoda. I remember someone mentioning in a review prior to me seeing the film that we would finally get to see what Yoda was capable of and why he was the greatest jedi. It's all coming back to me like a repressed memory.
I was actually waiting for that moment. In my mind I thought Yoda was going to project energy or something similar to Palpatine in ROTJ. Then the little guy with a limp showed up, and everyone in the audience went,"Ohhhhwhahhh." I went, "Oh my god, this is it!" A geriatric looking Christopher Lee with arthritic hands threw stuff. Yoda deflected it and did a Bruce Lee pose. So far, I was enjoying it. And then it happened, he whipped out a miniature lightsaber and screamed into battle twirling and dancing all over the place like an angry Kermit the Frog.

I laughed, because I could not believe what I was watching. The thought of a tiny lightsaber was absurd on its own, but the fact that he needed one was even worse, because you'd think MASTER Yoda would have been above such things as needing a gawdamn weapon. Palpatine never needed one in the OT, and that's why he sat on the big chair. That was perhaps the lowest moment in the PT for me. Yoda was screaming the whole time too...what were they thinking? Yoda's voice is kind of ridiculous to begin with, but it works because he's a wise elder figure who speaks in a calm manner when his voice isn't being used for comedic effect like in ESB. That's not the kind of voice that sounds cool roaring in battle. He sounded like an angry Miss Piggy the whole time.