Obi-Wan saves Leia from yet another bounty hunter.
Ok but what in the fried green tomatoes is actually going on in this gif? This isnt actually at Disneyland, right? ....right? wow lol
Obi-Wan saves Leia from yet another bounty hunter.
Go to the 8 minute mark on that DT video that was us driving home from the PT opening night lolI didn't think the Order 66 stuff was that bad, but to be fair, Stranger Things was a lot worse. LOTS of dead, bloody little kids, elementary school age, and they kept showing it over and over and over. Really bad timing.
Speaking of that scene, I was watching a review on youtube of some overly excited dweeb I wanted to punch in the teeth walking us through "all the easter eggs you missed in Obi Wan!!!!" and he said "I think it's possible that the little girl from the opening scene is going to turn out to be Reva!!"
I guess this is why Disney and other companies keep churning out stupider and stupider content....people really are that dumb.
Why are they even cutting fish on a desert planet and in the middle of the desert with a strong blowing wind that sushi is going to be crunchy lol
I'm so surprised no one here talked about that hilarious hand chop of the old lady that gives some lip to Sister. Such comedy gold.
And who knew Alec Guinness Ben was working in a desert-sushi factory just ten years before ANH?![]()
Well...that's an interesting point of view that I don't personally agree with, but let's run with your take on it i.e. 'letting the Force decide': was it ultimately a good decision?Walking away after watching him burn and chastising him for the pain he caused was closure. Letting him suffer was in some ways satisfying because it was a form of justice after Anakin’s crimes. Obi-wan was saying goodbye to his brother and voicing his frustration over the whole Chosen One prophecy. Obi-wan has been following Qui-gon’s last instruction for a decade and lived through the pain and horror of that one decision. As some others said Obi-wan let the force decide Anakin’s fate and it was a good decision ultimately.
meh--they should have made him purple him up with Jar Jar and...I want to know his backstory and I want a figure. He’s the new boba fett. His design is so 90s. A dinosaur with a Mohawk and a gun with a touch of jp raptor.
Hot toys please!
Part of the SW aesthetic (as originally illustrated by Ralph McQuarrie) was titanic scale. Disney's budget cutting and over-reliance on the Volume along with creative laziness or bankruptcy seems to have mostly done away with that.My gripe with newer star wars shows is that the grandiose of the Star Wars universe like big battles, large facilities and large fleets of star destroyers are… Gone.
Recent shows, Mando, BOBF and now Kenobi, have a similar setting, the desert and mos Eisley-like environments. Sequels were not good, but at least they showed us different parts of the galaxy.
We live in the age of unintended consequences with no sign of it letting up.It’s pretty shocking how tribal the world is now and the progressive, postmodernist movement for supposed peace and equality among all is strongly to blame for epic degrees of division. The approach is completely counterproductive.
I would describe it as content masked as activism (for marketing purposes) but yes, that's a big part of it.All you find is activism masked as content and I think that’s a huge contributor to the negative sentiments you’ll find online.
That was one connection between the OT and the PT I actually liked -- after seeing swarms of battle droids the mistrust and distaste for droids in the post-war era made sense.Interesting story of the bartender ..I thought he was just being a bum but the backstory is his parents were killed by Imperial droids
Ive gone crosseyed.
Sure, he got himself back as per the definition of redemption, but:The entire point of being redeemed, is the person in question learning and overcoming something, not having it erased from their minds and memories.
... yep. It was for all practical purposes, too late.You don't get to go back to who you were before you murdered people just because you are able to now feel regret. Lucas pulled that straight out of his ass.
Land shark…duhWhy are they even cutting fish on a desert planet and in the middle of the desert with a strong blowing wind that sushi is going to be crunchy lol
Come on now Hasbro has only made three separate Reva figures so far. Maybe when they're up to 10 different versions of her then you might see them delve into the lesser popular characters like reptilian bounty hunters, droids, Troopers, Darth Vader, etc.I want to know his backstory and I want a figure. He’s the new boba fett. His design is so 90s. A dinosaur with a Mohawk and a gun with a touch of jp raptor.
Hot toys please!
Well I understand your point but the entire OT redemption arc is predicated on this moment and the undoing of the Empire because Anakin was allowed to die/live. Sure many millions suffered but it was a fraction of the terror a hundred years or more under the Sith could have been. Of course you could argue the Empire wasn’t that bad and Republic/New Republic was worse but that would derail Lucas’ plan and intention.Well...that's an interesting point of view that I don't personally agree with, but let's run with your take on it i.e. 'letting the Force decide': was it ultimately a good decision?
How many innocent and/or good people did Vader kill in military actions, outright murder, or have executed? How many people did he torture -- including his own daughter? How many sentient beings suffered while Vader acted at the behest of Emperor Palpatine to spread terror and death throughout an oppressed galaxy?
Honestly, does that sound like a good decision to you? Sure, Palpatine would have done it anyway, one way or another but that doesn't absolve Anakin, nor let Obi Wan off the hook for not killing the punk like he was supposed to.
This is why I don't buy it, and also don't buy the idea that Anakin was 'redeemed' in any way shape or form because he turned traitor to the Emperor at the very end. Dude murdered children at the beginning of his career and went on to aid and abet planetary genocide. A whole planet. Babies. Moms. Kids. Grandparents. Pets.
At no point in the narrative presented onscreen was it even hinted at that Obi Wan was 'satisfied' or felt Anakin's suffering was 'just'. He just said sad words, looked upset and walked away without finishing a job which Yoda himself had deemed important and sent him to do.
What if Luke said "I won't confront Vader, I'll just let the Force decide."
In fact, why take a run at the Death Star? Let the Force decide!
See, it kinda falls apart for me when I need to do theological and moral gymnastics to justify the script. I'd rather accept that the films showed me great spectacle while displaying weak writing at various points.
Darth TantrumDarth Hayder
Lol at least they wrapped it, guessing the material is a preservative of sorts. It could even be inherent property of the whale’s flesh. Wait for the Visual Dictionary aka the fix it in post notes.What bothered me more about the giant land whale thing in the middle of the desert, was that, when the shift was over, they just walk away and leave all the raw meat on the belt and go home like the Flintstones? Every time it happened I'm like WTF.