**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Oh that was definitely on their minds..it was fortunate for them they never filmed that scene with the hunters shooting blasters at little Leia , if they originally did…I imagine they probably would’ve delayed the premiere for sure in wake of the Texas shootings
Geez you’re right yikes.
Geez you’re right yikes.
I have to rewatch the Reva/Leia chase, but wasn’t there a brief blaster shot to little Leia? I’m actually shocked that was left in the wake of the Texas shootings. maybe Disney thought it was too fast for anyone to notice :dunno
Well it turns out that my cancelling D+ because there was nothing worth watching on it didn't take into account my little girl apparently loving a couple of shows on it. Wife re-subscribed.
I now have the ability to watch this.
Not sure I'm bothered really.
Besides, this thread describes each episode beautifully.
Watch it again. You're totally misremembering, and this isn't nitpicking - it's story logic.

OW hasn't finished the blaster fight at all - a red laser blast is seen just missing OW (from 4-LOM on roof, only Dino-guy has been shot/killed) only seconds before Leia falls.

Then OW's on a roof 10+ stories up, Leia falls, he uses force, gently lands her in alley. Then he somehow arrives to tend to her - at ground level - before she's even sitting up, literally just seconds later. (and if he Jedi-flew those 10+ stories or some bs why didn't we see that?)

And Reva is running.... and running... then Leia falls, OW arrives in alley and takes her, they approach docking port, he has a lonnnng scene with fake Jedi guy... and seemingly 15-20 mins of in-world time have passed and we finally we cut back and Reva is STILL running. :lol And I mean Neo-running. The editing makes zero sense. The way she's superhero jumping she'd cover the entire length of Manhattan in a couple of minutes.

It's like people don't even watch these things closely and then angrily defend them as if they do. :dunno
Okay that’s fair I will rewatch because I’ve only seen episode 2 once. And while it seems I may defend everything about the show, I’m not. I can be critical as well, as I was for BOBF and TROS but I think a measured criticism is necessary. I think my leniency will change if the remaining episodes degrade the quality further. I agree the editing makes the scene very hard to follow and reminds me of the issues with Fennec scene on the rooftop chase. There’s also the fun of playing devil’s advocate, just can’t help myself.

One part I found odd was Bail forcing Leia to apologize for insulting her cousin when he basically said she wasn’t even an Organa. To me that seems far more malicious than a well pointed insult. He should be the one to apologize or just leave it alone. The whole we are better than petty insult has some merit but still they should let Leia defend herself. It’s hard to say because the small insight we get into family dynamics and Alderaanian society is not enough.
I need to see more of this Dino Bounty Hunter...
Obi-Wan's intro was right out of TFA.

Multiple shots showing his daily grind, then him getting in line to receive his "portion," (with the big gruff guy handing them out arbitrarily making them lower than they were the previous day), then heading back to his lair to cook some dehydrated food before going outside to eat it while he stares across the desert. I'm surprised that he didn't live in a crashed Clone Gunship.
So you loved it, right? :wink1:

The obvious explanation is......it's the Jedi way. :chase
The tactics on some of these shows are downright hilarious.

After watching Eps 1 and 2 of Obi-Wan I had to compare to BOBF so I rewatched the finale. (I still love it, lol) :yess:

But of course I had to laugh out loud at the Trandoshan's "plan" for taking out Black Krrsantan.

"All right guys, here's what we're gonna do. We'll first draw our knives from about 50 yards away and then spend a couple minutes charging into his blazing gunfire. Then when we reach him we'll immediately discard our weapons and all just dogpile him." Because laying on a Wookiee = Death. :lol

I can just picture Bill Murray showing up and saying, "Really Ray? That's your plan? Get him?" lol

You'd think that Trandoshans, being legendary kidnappers/slavers/hunters and all, would have their detention techniques down pat. They're also not that stupid. Nah, too much work to show any of that; let's do something dumb instead.

When will I get over these expectations of mine....
You know the fans understand that there are no stunt people her size and age okay fine but because of those limitations then how about you show her being able to get away because she knows the landscape and was simply able to find a secret tunnel or how about this you just don’t show a chase at all and just have them capture her and that’s the most annoying part is they did that just to show her Leia sassiness that’s the only reason they did it so we the audience can go “That’s Leia alright a smart strong sassy girl with a fighting spirit right from birth!” :slap
But did she know the landscape that well? When she first ventures out into the woods it's outside of her home, but when she was kidnapped wasn't it in the woods outside of the location where that social event took place (i.e., where she had to perform her "royal duties")? It's possible she knew those woods, but it's not a given.
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