Heroes- Now with spoilers!

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Sylar eating brains was most definately the direction that the show was going. It was even mentioned by someone envolved with the show. I can't remember who (writer or producer?) but I heard them loud and clear on a podcast state as much when asked the question of what Sylar did with the brains. His reply was "I always assumed that he ate them." That's were that belief started and spread.

With that said, I'm glad that they decided not to go that way. I always thought the eating brains thing was lame. In fact, this premier screamed "We're fixing everything!". Some of it seemed contrived but I don't care. They are definately returning to were the show began. Before the ratings got high and they decided to tone it down to be more family friendly.

It really did seem like a fixer episode. In fact, so much so, that I have a feeling if you rewatched every episode so far, you would probably find a ton of contradiction from last nights show.

Some things hit me like "huh...I dont remember that" and I just kinda passed it off as poor memory. The more I think about it though, I wonder if they just changed things.

Speaking of...does Nikky just have a bunch of personalities and each with a different power? I guess they could play the angle that when she changes personalities it changes brain function and thus body chemistry, which then changes the power she possesses
I personally loved the new episodes, everything is sort of working out I think,
interesting twists and old characters coming back was good.
I think this will be the best season yet, as we'll finally see them swinging their powers full force!!
I always chalked up the missing brains to Sylar needing to "hit and run" not having time to linger and play doctor.
Speaking of...does Nikky just have a bunch of personalities and each with a different power? I guess they could play the angle that when she changes personalities it changes brain function and thus body chemistry, which then changes the power she possesses

I kind of thought that the new character was her twin sister, who isn't really dead after all.

I am actually looking forward to next week, which wasn't always the case last year. Season two was frustrating, and season three seems to be intriguing so far.
Lots of good in the premier, some bad.

I am getting a little tired of the "lets kill them now for a quick 'wow', and just bring them back later" thing. Nathan dies last episode and right back here, same with Nikki( GOD I HATE HER CHARACTER!!!!) and Linderman. Its annoying to me. I hope they drop the dying/resurrecting characters.

And I absolutely hated the Fly crap. That was horrible! There is nothing anyone could say to change my mind on that. F'n unoriginal and lame!

But overall a good show, love the pacing, just hope it doesn't get to bloated with to many story lines going on.
Nikkesica is back...was SO happy when she died, alas, now I'm sad again.

Nikesica isn't back....at least not yet...This is a new "character", Tracy Strauss. They eluded to a reason why she looks like Niki in all the preinterviews before the season started. Also she has an ice power which we didn't see from Niki or Jessica before. That is one twist I'm interested in seeing how it worked out.

Looks like we will be getting more Sylar, with him being Noah's partner. At least their is one glimmer of hope.

Sylar is one of the most interesting and evolved characters. I'm tired of him getting tossed around so easily. With his TK powers the majority of the heroes couldn't even get near him let alone touch him, yet Claire with the least combative power of them all has hit and stabbed him how many times already? They need to beef up that role and allow him to go nuts.

Claire has been annoying and not so throughout the show but this season seems like she might finally get in my good graces.

She has always been the "angst" of the show I'm interested to see if the "Butterfly Effect" that occurred will make her darker. Remember Future Claire was that dark without Sylar's interference. Now that he has and she feels less human one would assume she is a prime candidate for villainy...or least anti-hero status...if only she could learn some sort of combat skills.

They've learned not to introduce a new hero without their story tying into a main character story - such as Hiro and Daphne.

I loved the Daphne storyarc and hope it continues....she plays into Hiro's attitudes and ignorance well.

Maya could always speak english - one wonders why her brother couldn't though.

It was always fairly broken...not completely but not as fluent as we saw in last night's episode....maybe its because she was crying so much in Season 2....

I liked Nikki/Jessica and I'm curious where they're going with Heidi.

Heidi, Nathan's wife or Tracy the newest incarnation of Ali Larter's character?

And it's great to have Malcolm McDowell back - but does this mean Nathan has Linderman's power? And why God? He thinks Linderman healed him, so what's the deal?

Well Linderman said that only Nathan can see him so its a vision from his psyche. Which means he doesn't exist....a glorified Jimny Cricket. I loved the Linderman character...the question is if Nathan is envisioning Linderman then who really healed him? Peter couldn't have because the power sponge is only usable not altering like Sylar aquisitions so he has the power but not the ability to give it...


I agree...I got the vibe though that with her being ejected from "The Company" that she'll be more of a loose canon going after Sylar (her last real mistake) and going after the Level 5 escapees and probably getting in the way more than anything else.

I don't remember, Linderman can heal right? Kinda hard to heal when you've been dead for a while...interesting..................

He is a vision of Nathan's I don't think he is physically there. Tracy made no notice of him while she was in the room. It was like a sixth sense kind of thing.

God, Dania Ramirez is bangin'.

Indeed. :naughty And she needs to get nekkid more on the show, 'cause it's all she's good for. That character is a cipher and her acting skills... eh.

I will give her credit she is much more attractive then I thought in Season 2 and its nice to see Mohinder getting some play after the love affair with Eden went nowhere. She still has an amazing power but her control of it is fleeting. I'm more interested to see if Sylar gets it than anything else.

I always chalked up the missing brains to Sylar needing to "hit and run" not having time to linger and play doctor.

This is what I am thinking as well. Was Bob's brain still in his head? His skull was open but I didn't see anything in there in the passing scene. The power of Alchemy is an awesome power but was never really explored with Bob so I'm hoping that Sylar uses it better than it has been.
Noting the poor sound effect when Sylar tossed the golden gun onto a concrete floor, my wife said, "whats the point of turning things into gold colored plastic." :rotfl
Sylar is one of the most interesting and evolved characters. I'm tired of him getting tossed around so easily. With his TK powers the majority of the heroes couldn't even get near him let alone touch him, yet Claire with the least combative power of them all has hit and stabbed him how many times already? They need to beef up that role and allow him to go nuts.

I was wondering that too, he could have EASILY ripped apart that door, I was actually waiting for him to do it. Same with Hiro stabbing him from about a mile away, he would NEVER EVER be able to get that close to him (they should have shown him freeze time to do it, but that's over and done with). It was like a retarded Halloween moment there.

But was interesting about that interaction was that Sylar found out MORE powers that even Claire doesn't know. I'm beginning to wonder what some of those are.....Maybe Sylar awakened some dormant ones when he sawed off her skull and fiddled with her brain?....
I hate when I can't monitor this thread the day after the episode. It's like I wanna jump back to this comment, and add my idea about that one, and then jump over here and disagree with that statement. :lol

First thing that comes to mind is that I never actually thought Sylar literally eats the brains, but I always liked it as a metaphor and I'll probably still use it as such.

Second I think this Tracey character is going to be interesting, I enjoyed Niki the first season, but hated her the second when Jessica came back again. However having a completely new character that looks like her or is another incarnation of her will be interesting if the bad personality becomes a villain like in Angela Petrelli's vision. I always thought Hulk makes a good villain, so maybe she'll be like that. Of course if it is a completely different person (or Niki's twin) the Hulk comparison doesn't stand.

Third I think Linderman is either some form of Nathan's imagination...or Matt's dad. Didn't he have the ability to get in people's heads, or was that only when they are sleeping.

And finally I hope Angela Petrelli isn't Sylar's mom. I could see her being the type to say that to manipulate him, and I hope that is exactly what it is. I think it'll make for a great storyline if so.

EDIT: Oh and when Sylar mentioned not having nerve endings he was referring to why he could poke Claire's brain without her feeling any pain. The brain doesn't have nerve endings so no pain receptors. That's why they can do brain surgery while a person is conscious. What caused her to lose her ability to feel pain I don't know, maybe Sylar activated that or something...
Matt's Dad and Matt have just a form of Telepathy. The thing is Matt left his dad trapped in his own head so unless he figured out a way to break it, he is sitting drooling somewhere unaware of what is going on.

I hope Angela isn't Sylar's mother either. Next thing you know Hiro will be a Petrelli somehow as well. :rolleyes:
Yea, people that actually thought Sylar ate brains....were they watching the show. he was shown as a watch repairman, when he used his powers you can hear a ticking, doesn't take a genius to deduce that he finds out how the brain works, not eat it......

ANYWAY, I never personally like the "EVIL" claire. Seems they went the typical evil-twin route, just dye her hair, dress her in black and then she's evil. Maybe it's her acting, but I don't buy her change or "evilness" like I do future Peter. Maybe it's just me...
Was future Claire actually evil? We don't know her motive for killing Peter, considering the way he's screwing up the time stream she may have had good reason. He could have done something that screwed things royally in the old timeline which is what prompted him to go back and try to fix things. My take at the moment is that future Claire is a darker person who has no compunction about killing (maybe like Wolverine or Batman without his one rule) and not above seeking revenge, but isn't evil.

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