I was gonna try this when mine arrives but since I have no clue when it'll come I thought I'd throw it out there:
Would it be possible to place a generic head on the cop joker with the hat on to get a basic cop, then use the 'coat opening' hand on the joker to maybe hold the back of his shirt collar maybe on his knee's or something with the gun pointed at the back of his head? Execution style-y Just something I thought might look cool. If anyone can/has done this I'd love to see a pic...
Its eh...its from the cop execution deleted scene on the super special extended directors cut limited collectors edition...or my head
Deggit said:I was gonna try this when mine arrives but since I have no clue when it'll come I thought I'd throw it out there:
Would it be possible to place a generic head on the cop joker with the hat on to get a basic cop, then use the 'coat opening' hand on the joker to maybe hold the back of his shirt collar maybe on his knee's or something with the gun pointed at the back of his head? Execution style-y Just something I thought might look cool. If anyone can/has done this I'd love to see a pic...
Its eh...its from the cop execution deleted scene on the super special extended directors cut limited collectors edition...or my head
oh which reminds me... someone posted a folding chair in the right scale...... can anyone point me in the right direction where to get?
There will be no photo thread and if one springs up this one will be closed.
I understand the principle notion people are aiming for with photo threads, but it is IMPOSSIBLE, the same chat people don't want to see will shift over there as well as new ones about the photos. It's just how it goes, threads are not galleries, there's no way to keep chat out so there's no sense doing it.
Unfortunately, because of the nature of the set, the BR Joker ended up posting in multiple threads, some posted the v1 with BR head in the v1 thread some in the BR thread because it had more action, that was a mess.
Mine just arrived... strewth he is a beaut!
Gonna get straight onto reviewing him tonight... yeah, like anyone needs to know it's amazing... ahhh, but just HOW amazing!
Mine just arrived... strewth he is a beaut!
Gonna get straight onto reviewing him tonight... yeah, like anyone needs to know it's amazing... ahhh, but just HOW amazing!