You can blame that on Stallone for writing him a ____ty role and directing him poorly in choppy action scenes.
Off course,I don't blame Li,he just got a boring character and have no interest in a figure of him.
You can blame that on Stallone for writing him a ____ty role and directing him poorly in choppy action scenes.
I feel as if i don't have a right to say so since i could care less about this thing but the elbow freakin joints are unforgivable One of these days they will do this with a character i actually give a damn about and there will be hell to pay...
I get the aesthetic flaws of the joint body, but what fun is a poeable figure with limited poses. While these new bodies are still limited compared to a regular TT, they are much better than the old school muscle bodies Rambos came on which have pretty poor ar pose range. I think these new bodies are a nice mix of looks and posability.
I feel as if i don't have a right to say so since i could care less about this thing but the elbow freakin joints are unforgivable One of these days they will do this with a character i actually give a damn about and there will be hell to pay...
Does anyone ever listen to you?
$650 man.
Talk about sucksville.... full on exposed toy elbows with no option to hide them.
Makes me so glad I do not give the slightest crap about the movie or the line. There will be those that do not care but I'm paining for those that like this thing and do care.
And those are Dad jeans if i've ever seen them
I feel as if i don't have a right to say so since i could care less about this thing but the elbow freakin joints are unforgivable One of these days they will do this with a character i actually give a damn about and there will be hell to pay...