MMS138 – The Expendables: 1/6th scale Barney Ross Collectible Figure

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I hope they improve upon the jeans though. They don't look right. Its kind of a shame that you end up covering up all that tattoo detail work though. Cool looking figure though.
Well I'll say my work and my contributions speak for themselves but I'll know who will be a little SOL when they come asking me for something that's for sure :) Which seems to happen eventually...

Does anyone listen? well to be honest I don't care much but I definitely don't care if voorhees does because he's 12 years old, or acts it anyways, which explains a lot of things actually , and wookster may just be a tad bitter because I've slammed his reviews once or twice but hey it's different tastes... I don't have to agree with his points but I respect he's intelligent about his positioning and a dedicated collector. Plus there's much I do agree on as well but sorry bud, if you ask me Leonidas was still a bust!

Anyways it's a nice head... can I finally say I told you so to all the naysayers on Kojun's work over the past year?

Would i prefer rubber with a chance of deterioration ? Yeah actually because if you have common sense and know how to keep and care for your figures you won't have any problems... if you are not taking care of your stuff you should be buying toys and there are plenty of joints to be found there too...

Just my opinion though :D
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Figure looks great, especially the head sculpt. But that second outfit with the jeans and shirt looks terrible. Reminds me of sub-par custom clothing you see on EBay. :lol

It's an extra though.. so it doesn't really matter.



Ah now I know why I butt heads with Voorhees! He's from Edmonton...

that explains a LOT ;)

Butt heads? Not sure I would call it that ............. being that this is the internet and all. I make fun of you because you're a tard. :exactly:

Anything else you'd like to troll about? Just remember, i'm always gonna be $650 richer. :lol
One of these days they will do this with a character i actually give a damn about and there will be hell to pay...

Sorry Ray, I seriously didn't mean to offend, but your line about 'hell to pay' made me smile. As in 'what exactly do you plan to do'?
I'm not egotistical enough to think I have any impact on what HT ACTUALLY does, I comment, I report, I don't know anyone who actually does have final say.

Do you know something I dont?
Well if the last post wasn't any more telling... you're lack of vocabulary skills, maturity and intelligence and apparently income level are sure indicative of an Edmontonian... shucks now I'm just starting to feel bad for you :( Am i developing a soft spot for you?

Oh Voorhees he's just so adorable in a pathetic sort of way ;)
Sorry Ray, I seriously didn't mean to offend, but your line about 'hell to pay' made me smile. As in 'what exactly do you plan to do'?
I'm not egotistical enough to think I have any impact on what HT ACTUALLY does, I comment, I report, I don't know anyone who actually does have final say.

Do you know something I dont?

Well of course there will be hell to pay I'm going to fly to Asia and project a three story video of Chubby cupcake boy outside their corporate headquarters and play it on repeat until they give me my damn rubber elbows...
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I mean honestly isn't that what anyone would do :dunno :lol

damn you poster in the other thread who exposed me to chubby cupcake boy... damn you!
Given the release date expected for the figure and some of the issues with it, plus the photos having the usual not final text, maybe they're still working on it but wanted to get something up so people would know the announcement wasn't B.S. If they committed to making figures and feared interest in them could fade if they waited too long, they may have jumped to get this up as soon as possible, even if not final.

They make a big deal of his back tat in the specs, but not a single shot of it, why, why not show off such nice work, unless maybe they haven't painted it on him yet. Pants could be temporary. Their clothes have been so good lately, it'd be surprising to see something so so. Wolverine's jeans are some of the nicest 1/6 jeans I've seen.
Never understood how they can get some stuff up for PO before the movie comes out and others long after it has come and gone from the theaters. Seems like they would want to catch lightning in the bottle when the hype strikes.
Well you DO know that stonewash denim was worn by most of us back in the 80's, right?

Unfortunately I'm old enough to say I'm aware of this sad fact :monkey2

But seriously I'm sure they will improve on the jeans right?? They're pretty bad...

Again I have no desire for this figure so have no idea why I seem to have such an invested interest haha

But showing this guy makes it one step closer to showing Spider-Man, Superman and a few others in the pipe that I'm pumped for!

But the truth is in all honesty you just can;t argue with how damn far HT has taken this sixth scale thing in just a few short years... the headsculpt is as close to real as it gets.