1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- The Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Now we can all speculate about Banner coming with an extra Hulk head. Now that would actually be a great incentive. Anyway., come on SSC, Hulk PO now. :impatient:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

early prices have him going for $350 on ebay, so my price guess is for SSC is around $325 if earlier figures are any indication, just hope we can get free shipping with this guy
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Now we can all speculate about Banner coming with an extra Hulk head. Now that would actually be a great incentive. Anyway., come on SSC, Hulk PO now. :impatient:

Banner with Roaring Hulk Head as accessory!

I can see that happening too! :lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

I think what would have been really funny is if they included the standard Hot Toys black stand

Can you imagine how puny that thing would look next to this guy, lol!

Overall i'm happy with the look of this guy, i think we all knew it was gonna be difficult for HT to pull off and i think they've done a really good job

What some folk need to realise is that HT are trying to give as a 1/6 scale movie accurate Hulk collectible, that articulates! It was never gonna meet the exceedingly high expectations that some have placed on it. This is the best you'll get in this category

I was a little worried about the idea of rubber arms but now it's PVC i'm gonna have to do a bit of research. I presume it's stronger but i honestly know nothing much about it other than glue!

Nice figure!

Heh. If they used the regular stand on him.... Hulk will be saying "puny stand" instead of "Puny God."

That's a very well posed picture. The arms have practically no bend in them whatsoever (and I'll come back to that in a minute), but this photo shows HULK's left arm as if it is fully cocked and ready to punch someone's face totally flat! Talk about making the most of what you have got :lol

As to this lack of bend, well it seems like HT have tried to please almost everyone. There is articulation, but there is not very much. There is rubber, but the joint does not bend very far so there should be minimal strain on the rubber.

What exactly are separate rolling eyes, if not a version of PERS? I assume that it is the same type of separate rolling eyes as used on MEDICOM's Mr. Bean figure where you could pose each eye separately.

Price...I am not trying to be confrontational on purpose here...but we need to consider that this is the most highly anticipated figure, from the most successful film of decade, not to mention from the second most successful film of all time, it comes with a very good sculpt, with extra hands on a totally new set of covered arms and totally new body, and it is a massive 16 1/2 inches tall...

If anyone here thinks that HT will not milk this baby for every single red penny that they can get out of it, then there are a lot of sadly misguided people around. I really do hope that I will be proven wrong and if I am I have my 'humble pie' knife all ready to start slicing,

But this figure is not coming in at anything less than $330-350 because HT know that this amount is just about as much as they can get away with without losing too many buyers.

:goodpost: (Except for the price quote.... I hope its less, but you may be correct.)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Banner will be a standalone release, with Loki's spear. Just watch.

I hope so! I don't want to shell out 2x or 3x as much because the only way to get him would be in a combo pack. It's like buying a set of collectibles as a group from someone; you may either already have a couple of them or aren't interested in more than one or two of them.

Yup. Think I want Banner more than the Hulk. Hot Toys why you no Banner yet? :gah:

Same, to be honest I wouldn't get the Hulk unless the pricing was low enough... Not enough interest in the character to pay more than 150, although I know that's not gonna happen. :panic:

early prices have him going for $350 on ebay, so my price guess is for SSC is around $325 if earlier figures are any indication, just hope we can get free shipping with this guy

How do these sellers know the price? Is it a rough estimation on their part?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

I hope so! I don't want to shell out 2x or 3x as much because the only way to get him would be in a combo pack. It's like buying a set of collectibles as a group from someone; you may either already have a couple of them already or aren't interested in more than one or two of them.

Same, to be honest I wouldn't get the Hulk unless the pricing was low enough... Not enough interest in the character to pay more than 150, although I know that's not gonna happen. :panic:

How do these sellers know the price? Is it a rough estimation on their part?

Most retailers have a price from SS already, they just cant put the order up till they get the "ok". I dont know how pre-orders on ebay work, since I would never P/O on ebay. :nono
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Should've come with hand (or hands) for "Rag Doll" action/posing...

Those sausages are so big/thick that articulated fingers should not have been a problem

LOL! Nice Shrek reference. :lol

Mark Ruffalo no get figure? Make Hulk sad :(

Give them time. We got Coulson, so why not Banner. :pray:

I'm ok with the articulation and only 2 hands but PERS for Hulk? :slap A second, calmer head would have been much preferred.

Or an angrier one. :wink1:

Bought, of course.


Indeed, Along with the rubber arms I was expecting AT LEAST another head sculpt (maybe roaring) and a nice diorama destroyed street base. Does feel awefully lacking. And Im sure the price will be ridiculous too ($300+) where with a bare bones release like this should be in the $250 range IMO.

Im thinking the same as you, though, since I cant afford the SS maquette Ill be getting this and calling it a day. Its still the best HULK action figure on the market though.

Agreed. There is no better Hulk figure out there! :exactly:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Aye the ebay sellers would get the price from walking in HT's shop, or from a friend or relative working in the factory.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

I hope so! I don't want to shell out 2x or 3x as much because the only way to get him would be in a combo pack. It's like buying a set of collectibles as a group from someone; you may either already have a couple of them or aren't interested in more than one or two of them.

Same, to be honest I wouldn't get the Hulk unless the pricing was low enough... Not enough interest in the character to pay more than 150, although I know that's not gonna happen. :panic:

How do these sellers know the price? Is it a rough estimation on their part?

well the sellers are from Hong Kong, so I figure they're about spot on, when the Mark VII was released they had him for 280 and he was 250 on SSC, so they're usualy about 20-30 bucks more, so I looking for about a 325 Hulk on SSC
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Most retailers have a price from SS already, they just cant put the order up till they get the "ok". I dont know how pre-orders on ebay work, since I would never P/O on ebay. :nono

I've heard horror stories about preordering on ebay. Apparently it's against the rules to sell products that you don't even have yet, or something, too?

well the sellers are from Hong Kong, so I figure they're about spot on, when the Mark VII was released they had him for 280 and he was 250 on SSC, so they're usualy about 20-30 bucks more, so I looking for about a 325 Hulk on SSC

Ohh. So I guess it's more expensive than SSC, unless shipping is included in that price too - better for international orders! But I doubt they include shipping... Right? :monkey2
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Well the SS site doesn't have him up yet for pre-order so anyone have any ideal what he's going to go for? I saw someone say he was going for $300 somewhere but I'd like to know what SS is going to sale him for and what the payment plan will be like.

When the Mark VII was unveiled by HT, it was done on a Friday and SS didn't put him up for PO until Monday morning around 11am if I remember correctly...this could be the same case.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

According to Hot Toys Japanese website the price is 35000 yen. That is 450 dollars. What?

if that's the case I should be hitting up Ebay right this second!:panic:

no really there's no way that price can be accurate
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

According to Hot Toys Japanese website the price is 35000 yen. That is 450 dollars. What?

There is NO way I'm going that high, even if it's made of gold and murmurs "you stronger than hulk" to me in my sleep. WOW :thud:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Ones posted already at 0600 MT on Ebay at 350.00 w/o shipping USD :slap I have a feeling it will be over 300.00 or maybe people just trying to sell it while its new news!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

ok. i will buy this :)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Saw the pics earlier, and I'm pretty stoked for this. Kinda worried about the price though.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

Never mind....SS just posted it up for PO!

$300.00 is the winner!
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

So maybe $280 elsewhere.

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