To be fair it could've been a typo on their part. They always show all the accessories included in the one photo and it wasn't this time.
I have to agree with the comment earlier about the Paintjob. The first MK 1 has a grundgier cave origin paint job (which I like better), while the 2.0 looks like it's been polished.
both look fantastic though
I was lucky to get into the hobby when I did I think, I'm glad I missed out on the first one because this one looks just a little bit better (as it should) still if I got into the hobby just a little bit before I'd still be happy with the original. Blade (one of my first figures) should still get this treatment, but one similar to Wolverine where it's from a different film. Not because the first isn't great - it's actually an amazing figure with a fantastic headsculpt but it should be remade for those who missed out like the Mark I was.
You know, back when the first HT Mark I came some people pointed out that the worn out look wasn't movie accurate. I believe that is true. Looking at the images and stills from the movie, the armor did not look like a dirty piece of junk. In fact it had a clean and polished look, as you can see in these 2 pictures:
I like how this came out. I think it's accurate and looks rather good actually... SSC may ship mine asap!