1/6 Hot Toys - MMS176 - The Avengers: 1/6th Scale Loki Official Specs & Pics

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Are you crazy? Were you not watching the comments on the HT Facebook page, when this was revealed? Loki is drawing in a new crowd of female collectors who want him badly, and pretty much do not care about the rest of the Avengers line - they just want this figure.

And on YouTube. What females have to say about Loki on YouTube is pretty revealing.... and pretty funny. Loki has a ferociously dedicated female fanbase, and probably 9 out of 10 of those chicks want this figure. Many of them preordered the first day he went up.

Nope, can't see him performing like the Franco GG... not even close. No one gave a damn about GG2, not even me - and I loved the Raimi Spiderverse to death. Well, except for Mary Jane and Venom, both of whom were horribly miscast. And the third film, which should pretty much die in a fire in general.
Indeed. :lecture

I actually see this selling out quick once he is actually released. There's a reason they bumped up his production value. Still debating if I should just order him. He's my one figure that I would make an exception for to my only IM line rule.
Are you crazy? Were you not watching the comments on the HT Facebook page, when this was revealed? Loki is drawing in a new crowd of female collectors who want him badly, and pretty much do not care about the rest of the Avengers line - they just want this figure.

And on YouTube. What females have to say about Loki on YouTube is pretty revealing.... and pretty funny. Loki has a ferociously dedicated female fanbase, and probably 9 out of 10 of those chicks want this figure. Many of them preordered the first day he went up.

yeah, chicks totally dig this guy (and i'd wager most have no interest in the other marvel figs).

he may turn out to be not a smash hit with the marvel avengers crowd, but he has a totally independent following completely divorced from the original context.

He's my one figure that I would make an exception for to my only IM line rule.

yeah, i am totally breaking my nolan bats rule for him as well.
Where did you find the replica helmet? :thud:

Hero/Movie backup prop. Till the deal is done. Sorry I will not post that info. I really don't wish to bid or go head to head with someone on this board. The one I am working on is a backup not a hero but they are the very same.

I did just get a Hero Judge Dredd Helmet and Vest (not from them). I to go with a backup Lawgiver.
Indeed. :lecture

I actually see this selling out quick once he is actually released. There's a reason they bumped up his production value. Still debating if I should just order him. He's my one figure that I would make an exception for to my only IM line rule.

This is where I said what I said. They up his production 4 times. If they did it 4x then they will do it a 5/6 time. Remember he was sold out 3 times. I have a feeling there will be more Hawkeye's on market. I don't blame them. I would, and have. Being there is no end number they can just make more.

I guess we will see if I am wrong or right sometime around Dec 2013. Why? Keep in mind we are only a handful of collectors about .001% he is cold right now and Thor #2 is coming out in Nov.
EDIT: well I dont know about Tony, IM is one of their favorite characters so we miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight actually see him within the confines of 2013. But I wont hold my breath.

DUH.....it says right here on the SSC website that IM3 Tony Stark comes out in May....


Which by the way, if it were true, would possibly be BEFORE Loki comes out. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?
I really don't want to sift through previous pages, so could someone tell me plain and simple if Loki's been delayed and if so, what's the estimate on how long? Thanks.
Oh contraire! I totally NEED this figure.



Are you crazy? Were you not watching the comments on the HT Facebook page, when this was revealed? Loki is drawing in a new crowd of female collectors who want him badly, and pretty much do not care about the rest of the Avengers line - they just want this figure.

And on YouTube. What females have to say about Loki on YouTube is pretty revealing.... and pretty funny. Loki has a ferociously dedicated female fanbase, and probably 9 out of 10 of those chicks want this figure. Many of them preordered the first day he went up.

This is indeed true! My wife thinks this guy is smoking hot! In fact, she likes him over Hemsworth and Ruffalo, who she thinks are hot as well! :lecture
Yep, in fact my Wife ordered TWO of these, because she is "starting her collection". A collection which will very possibly start and end with Loki. ;)

I've been with my Wife for 11 years, and during The Avengers movie, she leaned over and said "I'd do him". First time I've EVER heard that from her.
I really don't want to sift through previous pages, so could someone tell me plain and simple if Loki's been delayed and if so, what's the estimate on how long? Thanks.

Why not? Not even a few pages...? Did you look at his actual Sideshow Collectibles page?

I am not down on you personally, but what I am down on is this "I could not be bothered to read back even a small handful of pages" attitude that seems to be growing and spreading through every forum I am on. :gah:

Is it really too much like hard work?
Why not? Not even a few pages...? Did you look at his actual Sideshow Collectibles page?

I am not down on you personally, but what I am down on is this "I could not be bothered to read back even a small handful of pages" attitude that seems to be growing and spreading through every forum I am on. :gah:

Is it really too much like hard work?

If people can't even be bothered to look at the SSC page and see the date, then ****' em. Not worth our time if they can't even do THAT much footwork.
If people can't even be bothered to look at the SSC page and see the date, then ****' em. Not worth our time if they can't even do THAT much footwork.

Yes, you see Rage, your kind of similar attitude tells me that despite a post count on here that might brand you a 'NOOB' in some people's books...I'd say that you are very familiar with this lax approach from perhaps other forums?

Come on folks, this supposed to be a hobby that we are interested in. When I first started contributing to forums about 12 years ago, I'd usually be one of the first to maybe just answer that type of question straight off. Actually, that sort of lasted until I found SSF, occasionally I still do. But then I realised...Do we really want to be spoon fed everything?

This is my hobby, I like catching up on the back-pages that I have missed over night from my more distant fellow Freaks (it's not quite so bad with our European Freaks, time-zone wise). The positing and explaining of different views, the great photos, the fallings out, the apologies, the really daft gags...it's all part of why we do what we do.

To say things like..."I couldn't be bothered to..." or "I was too lazy to..." or even "I don't want to..." just seems to lack appreciation for other members and the 'I couldn't be bothered to find out for myself...just tell me right now' approach almost exhibits something like an unreasonable demand for immediate attention.
Yep, in fact my Wife ordered TWO of these, because she is "starting her collection". A collection which will very possibly start and end with Loki.


a female friend of mine owes me a debt she can never repay, so she's buying me hot toys. she asked me what i wanted next after joker 2.0 and i said: "how about selina kyle or black widow?"

her answer: "I almost cant decide who I despise more....Scarlett Jo or Anne Hathaway....please dont ask me to pay for that. What about Loki....hes sexy."

so, yeah.

: D
I only ordered Loki due to the sculpt being amazing. He'll be the odd one out in my collection. I don't see what's so sexy about him like other females :dunno

Now Tom Hardy...he's the sexy one :wink1:

Also...How can someone dislike Anne Hathaway? :(
I wondered the same, because just last night I saw a headline that read "Why does everyone hate Anne Hathaway?"

I was like.....whaaaaa?
I only ordered Loki due to the sculpt being amazing. He'll be the odd one out in my collection. I don't see what's so sexy about him like other females :dunno

Now Tom Hardy...he's the sexy one :wink1:

Also...How can someone dislike Anne Hathaway? :(

well i agree with you about tom hardy (rrrrawwr), though tom hiddleston is okay by my eyes too.

i dunno what the deal with anne hathaway is for her ~ i really loved selina kyle, thought she was great.

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