He will though, or as closely as possible. Because the Nolan Batman is the most recent incarnation, and anything less will be seen as falling back down into the Schumacher mindset. People are very zero-sum about this sort of thing....
NO. We need the comics Batman. Not Nolan's bastardization. Not a campy Adam West/Joel Schumacher version. We need Grant Morrison's Batman. He balances the inherent ridiculousness and seriousness of the character perfectly.
Perhaps he isn't an "ordinary human," but as a non-paranormal protagonist it is ridiculous to imagine a plausible scenario where he has the wherewithal to tell Superman to Get Out Of My Territory, Junior. Pffft, be serious. [speaking in general, here] Physically Superman out-powers him many times over and I know people don't want to admit that to themselves - or in public either, but thinking otherwise is a logical fallacy.
Maybe Superman overpowers him on a physical level, but he could never touch him mentally. Batman should represent a legitimate threat to Superman, in the case that such a threat is ever needed. Plus, if you read Morrison's comics, he often alludes to the idea, that maybe there is something paranormal about Batman. I agree with that. It doesn't have to be something that is ever directly addressed, or even acknowledged, but the whole reason Batman works, in a universe populated by superhumans, is because he's superhuman himself. Maybe the things he does are not impossible, but they are extremely
improbable. Therefore, in order to match up with these other gods and demigods, the absolute improbability of Batman has been scaled to match the impossible aspects of the other heroes. If you lose that, you have Nolan's Batman - and quite frankly, a "realistic" Batman is not something that I ever asked for, and is not something that I ever want to see it again. Some of us have seized upon this ridiculous notion that things must be "realistic" in order for them to be taken seriously. I couldn't disagree more. Was
300 "realistic?" Was
Sin City "realistic?"
NO. Were they grimy, and dark, and downright disturbing at times? Absolutely.
That's how I want my Batman to be.
I was going to say, Superman wouldn't harm Batman...but with this Superman, I don't know. He could just break his face because he feels like it.
I don't know. Sure, he killed Zod, but I feel that it is going to profoundly affect him and inform who he is going forward. I don't think this Supeman is really going to be that much different from the Blue Boy Scout that most people are used to. And if not, he will seem that way when sharing the screen with Batman. It doesn't make sense for both heroes to be dark and brooding, because then, one of them would be redundant. Also, we all know that Batman has the 'dark and brooding superhero' market cornered. Superman is just going to have to realize his place, and be the light-hearted superhero that he always has been.