This is laughably bad. Medi wins.

say it again,'s such a rare thing we get to hear on the board
This is laughably bad. Medi wins.
This is laughably bad. Medi wins.
Tempted to order the mediNo. Medi wins because they got the physique right, the suit details correct, the eyes and head shape bang on and they did not include a sub par AG sculpt.
Also worth noting they got theirs out relatively sharpish and did not make fans wait a lengthy delay for no real reason.
That's why.
'Desperately searching'? Seems like you're desperately searching for a reason this is better.
So Medi wins with rubbersuit and not even tried to deliver a head sculpt? ... Nah![]()
Only thing to argue (in case you're really desperately searching) could be the body shape and the eyes...
You can't judge this figure without seeing proper pictures!
Pictures that have quality not crappy cell phone pics.
The posing does the figure no good too, so lets judge how it looks when OMG post photos before comparing to the Medicom version.
Only reason why I havent cancelled my PO.
As much as I admire OMG pics, it has never been a factor for me if I want to buy the figure or not.
I buy what I like, in this case, I bought the Medicom, but I've always been open to upgrading figures if a MUCH better figure comes along. Not just if its a little better.
An example is the Avengers Thor vs the Original Thor, I owned both and its a huge huge difference in quality so I sold the v1 Thor.
I'm keeping an open mind, and I know the other pic is not exactly the best quality...but still...not seeing a HUGE difference in quality.
First time for me to have OMG pics be the deciding factor if I'm keeping my PO or cancel it.
Likewise. Agree 100%.
You upgrade your own figures into better than what is available.
Your opinion does not count.
Y'know, the head sculpt bums me out, but its not a deal breaker. I'll be displaying him "hood on" regardless of how good or bad it is.
What's really bugging me is the details.
Those horrid shoulders! Looks like Star Spangled Cap :-/
The waist line, I don't care if the shape of the scalloped section is exact, but look at how it's bunching! After all this time the tailoring still looks botched.
The sleeves look awkward at the wrists
Ok, they're not great pictures, but its still the figure. Not looking great from here.....