Ebeneezer Jones
Super Freak
Show me the Hot Toys sculpt that's painted better.
Show me the Hot Toys sculpt that's painted better.
Just needs Hot Toys painting touch...................... please tell me your joking.
iminime is by far the best company to paint sculpts. They are in a league of their own, and Hot Toys have never put a single painted sculpt out that even comes remotely close to them.
Just needs Hot Toys painting touch...................... please tell me your joking.
iminime is by far the best company to paint sculpts. They are in a league of their own, and Hot Toys have never put a single painted sculpt out that even comes remotely close to them.
Likely all of them but we can start with this one
They are in a league of their own, precisely -- as they sculpt/reproduce/paint their headsculpts at a quantity that could be what, 10% of the total production size of each Hot Toys head?
Hot Toys are not infallible, but they are IMO the best in the paint apps department among MASS PRODUCED figures.
None of them in my opinion.
Why are you showing the prototype. The one which nobody ever gets in hand.
You would need to show pictures of the one you actually receive, which everyone reading this knows is much worse than that one in the pic you posted. Post a pic of that sculpt, when you have it in hand.
I definitely think there's a lot to be done with paint to save the sculpt. I was staring at my stripped version today deciding on what I wanted to do with it (I had hoped to actually start painting the facial hair, but a few things came up).
In the end this was good, because it allowed me to see where I felt the current Hot Toys sculpt was lacking paint. I took the pic of my HS as it is currently into Photoshop and started experimenting with just painting to see where I should add more facial hair.
I actually think there is a lot more wrong with the current paint app than just the stache, soul patch and general mouth area. When I was messing in Photoshop I realized that the whole sides of his beard are way too neat and low as well. I am definitely going to be adding more hair overall, not quite as thick as in my crappy Photoshop sketch, but definitely a lot of hair. It seems super dense from a lot of the screenshots from the film, and the sides of his beard really almost come up to his cheekbone.
It's like the Hot Toys paintjob is too clean. They added the initial mustache, but it seemed to groomed. The same thing is true of the side of the beard, it's not scraggly and bushy enough. It comes too low and looks far too well-kempt.
I think I may also add a few more high and low-lights to the general face to emphasize the bone structure. It's a very soft sculpt, and I think emphasizing certain areas like the brow and the cheekbones, you can definitely bring out more Hugh.
In any case, the right side image is where I hope to end tomorrow afternoon and I am happy I had a chance to play in Photoshop so that I really have a clear direction to head in tomorrow when I actually repaint more of the HS.
Excuse my terrible PS skills, but I like doing this to visualize my end result. Makes me less scared of screwing up my actual sculpt.
After that, I think I may still play around with his iris/pupil size. I think they are way too undersized at the moment, like you're seeing too much white of the eye.
I could post in hand photos till the sun goes down, take a look OMG photos, but I'm getting the feeling based on your outlandish first statement that its a waste of my time. I have both hot toys and Iminime products, I've seen them both side by side and I know which is better, Iminime does a good job on there paint, I'm not trying to say there bad, there not, just there not as good as hot toys. If you prefer Iminime that's fine and there's no reason for me to force you to change your opinion.
I could post in hand photos till the sun goes down, take a look OMG photos, but I'm getting the feeling based on your outlandish first statement that its a waste of my time. I have both hot toys and Iminime products, I've seen them both side by side and I know which is better, Iminime does a good job on there paint, I'm not trying to say there bad, there not, just there not as good as hot toys. If you prefer Iminime that's fine and there's no reason for me to force you to change your opinion.
I say the same. Obviously you prefer Hot Toys paint apps, and thats all good. If you prefer them, then you prefer them.
Personally i don't. I have lots of Hot Toys and iminime, and just like yourself, i know which i prefer.
Nice try by Young-Ae but I would like to see Yulli or Kojun go at Hugh.
Sorry buddy, but I don't agree with this.
First, it's Lee So Young who sculpted this, and she's (or he?) the sculptor I've been most impressed with lately. From her earliest work which includes the highly valuable Blade from way back, to Bane and Avengers Loki from last year -- So Young's done some of the finest likenesses from HT lately that this Wolverine, while not really bad, could be her weakest. That aside, it's surprising that despite her best efforts on the figures I previously mentioned, more people know only Yulli and KoJun. And speaking of those 2... I've said this ad nauseum -- the 2 most overrated sculptors in the industry.
Yulli's sculpted Heath Ledger too many times, and even DX11 isn't a very good likeness IMO. She's sculpted Arnold like 3x before she nailed DX13 -- thanks to the help of KA Kim. And have you seen the comparison of the new T1 proto against the screenshots posted by the Terminator experts? Still far off. She's also done Christian Bale. Or who was supposed to be Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne. I'm glad that she did well on Jack Nicholson Joker twice, though. But then there's the new Loki proto.
Kojun. Yes, he's done Jack Sparrow. He's did Wolverine Origins, too. Many loved that head for kitbashing and customs, but nope, that's not Hugh. And the work he's known as a resident for? TONY STARK. Each time he sculpts a different actor as Tony Stark. The latest Tony sculpts that look most close to RDJ? It's a collab with Lee So Young. I'm just glad he finally did well on the new Bale faceplates for Batman. About time, as he's already been at it too many times.
So Yulli and Kojun? Maybe, but I expect less from whatever figure that gets announced with either of them sculpting.
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omg! the ps sculpt looks great! seriously wonder what hot toys sculptors were thinking when they went with the production lips and moustache ..
I agree with you here.
I was just comparing where both companies are at the moment. Maybe that will change, who knows.