Super Freak
I'm really looking forward to seeing your modded sculpt. I might pick up an extra to experiment on if I like how yours comes out! I really do think the likeness is in there, just buried.... Dat stache tho!
All in all, I am happy with how it came out, and am extremely excited to get mine on Monday! But there is really NO reason for that stache to be on there.
Thanks dude. I just started working on it. I am in the process of stripping all of the brown paint/hair around the mouth to better match the actual facial hair from the film.
I'm using regular (non-acetone) nail polish remover, that I am applying with one side of a Q-tip and then rubbing with the other.

It takes some time for the paint to come off, and afterwards you are left with this.

As you can see there is (lighter) exposed resin, so I'll touch that up with a darker wash to match the main skin tone. I'll probably dry-brush some black/grey on the upper lip to give it a bit of a stubble effect, but that's about it
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