Hot Toys: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, AVP and AVP-R Discussion Thread

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This was my 2nd Hot Toys figure, still awesome.
It seemed inevitable when NECA got her likeness permission. So there we have it. The marines are coming back. I won't be able to pass on those.

Yeah I figured as much too. But with Neca getting Michael Biehn's likeness it's possible that as well as getting a new Hicks (still a speculation, but likely), we may too get a new Kyle Reese.
A bittersweet day for me to be sure.

Hot Toys has been at a pretty high level, and I cannot wait to see these guys done correctly. Im excited. I'm also aware the untold sweat, effort, and MONEY that I spent completing my complete custom squad is now going to be outdated garbage. Very very sad. Almost nauseous even. But then I go back to excited...its a rollercoaster man. :sick

Obviously spectacular news to anyone who missed out.
I wouldn't be too hasty. Remember HT have only released a initial intent to revisit the marines. They haven't yet stated who they intend to do. They might just end up doing a couple. As we know HT has a habit of stalling lines.

More importantly though, your customs are unique one off's so they will never be outdated or garbage.
People will probably find stuff that needs to be customised on the new ones anyway. Your custom parts may yet prove useful (superior even to what they end up releasing)
All I'm taking from it is:

1. Reviving the Marines, including Ripley.
2. Exciting update soon.

In HT terms, yes that might be ages away. Might. But it's still better than most news out of them the past year, where we've been choking on Marvel figures. I literally cough up Iron Man repulsors having dinner.

This is the Marines people. That awesome Cameron armor, the motion tracker, done with today's standards. A licensed Ripley. I knew HT would have their fingers in that pie when Fox announced their 35th anniversary plans a month ago.
I wouldn't be too hasty. Remember HT have only released a initial intent to revisit the marines. They haven't yet stated who they intend to do. They might just end up doing a couple. As we know HT has a habit of stalling lines.

More importantly though, your customs are unique one off's so they will never be outdated or garbage.

Well thanks. Those are good points as well. If motivation to revisit the line comes from Weaver finally signing off on the Ripley likeness with other company's, its entirely probable they will only revisit characters who's likeness right they think they can get. I doubt they would make new figures without proper likenesses at this stage in their popularity. Even if they think they can get everyone NECA got, it doesnt seem real likely they would re-do the entire line.

And yes, there are countless lines out there that get announced then scrapped or delayed endlessly. It is probably too early to get too riled up.

People will probably find stuff that needs to be customised on the new ones anyway.

Hate to say it but I'll be one of the first ones nit-picking! This obsession is not healthy...
A chap in the Batman Returns thread brought up the point that its almost April 1st.......

Hate to say it but I'll be one of the first ones nit-picking! This obsession is not healthy...

My post sounded like a jab, apologies. I wouldn't be one to talk about nitpicking really, I do my share.
I used mod podge gloss. I think you can get one from your local crafts store. After applying the gloss, you can handle the figure normally as you would just don't heavily rub your figures on the rubber. The gloss dries up perfectly like it's bonded with the rubber / plastic.

That looks great!

I didn't dig thru the Alien threads much so sorry if this question has been asked and answered 100 times. Do all of them lose their sheen? Do all of them start out with it? My Grid, Blue Alien & AVP-R have a proper coating on them (actually I screwed up my AVP-R's shoulder area while I was heating up the arm with a hair dryer to remove it. The friction in taking it off peeled some of the gloss coating off of the shoulder blade. It looks like I can just touch it up with your suggestion :yess: ) but I've seen the AVP alien 2 ways. I bought one a couple of years ago on eBay and when I received it and saw that there was absolutely no gloss coat on it so I returned it. I found one right after in a local shop that had a gloss coat but not as vivid as my others.

I have to check my Chap because that poor guy has been living in his box for awhile
Hang on a sec - where did this interview come from? There is no mention of it on the OSR site or their Facebook, nor is there any sign of it on Mark OSR's Facebook page. Only here.
I just Facebooked Mark over at OSR. I think his ma just died so I might not get a reply for a while. Something stinks here. Who is this Dragontron guy that posted the original 'interview'? If this is ******** he is the ultimate douche for it. April Fools ain't til tomorrow.
Well, I just off-loaded my comic book collection in trade for complete displayed w/ box: Hicks, Apone, Drake, Husdson, and MMS-002 Hamburger face T-800

I have always wanted these, despite that they don't really hold a candle to today's HT's quality, but nevertheless I am happy to be rid of my comics.