Man these XM pieces are looking great. I wish we could get these easier stateside.
You can pay via credit card and get the actual conversion rate which ends up being 694 or you could have been one of the first to order and paid $651 U.S
Yeah I was just giving people a heads up at what it would be if they wanted to order from them today. So they can make their own comparisons as to where to buy from. I bought one, now just waiting on shipping. I paid a bit more than you but I wanted to wait to see in hand pictures first, especially from a company that had yet to release something. I am very excited about what they are bringing to the table. I look forward to the future of XM. I love the interaction and feedback they have with us on the forums!!
You can pay via credit card and get the actual conversion rate which ends up being 694 or you could have been one of the first to order and paid $651 U.S
Yeah I was just giving people a heads up at what it would be if they wanted to order from them today. So they can make their own comparisons as to where to buy from. I bought one, now just waiting on shipping. I paid a bit more than you but I wanted to wait to see in hand pictures first, especially from a company that had yet to release something. I am very excited about what they are bringing to the table. I look forward to the future of XM. I love the interaction and feedback they have with us on the forums!!
Right on man. Well congrats on your purchase! There isn't a single pic or vid that compares to this cap standing in front of you. It's truly a work of art. POing early was definitely a ballsy move. I picked up the first IM from Iron Studios and man did that turn out to be a letdown... It's still a nice statue but the quality for their first release was an absolute joke. XM is definitely making a loud entrance into the statue community. Hulk and IM are next so it will be extremely interesting to see how those two come out. If they are anything like this cap we are going to have some great options to choose from in the future
Thanks for the Review guys!! I've decided to pull the trigger and get one!! Just debating if I should spend the extra Money and get the Statue with the coin? Any suggestions from the people who already have it with the coin? Would you spend about an extra $150 for the coin?
what can I say... great minds think alike! I was just tabling this to the XM boys literally YESTERDAY. We will check with license protocols and see if this is possible but yeah having the ability to buy "accessories" of custom parts to personalize your own statue sounds super cool!
Hi, here's the repair/replacement policy by XM Studios.
Send pictures of the damage/defect within 7 days of receiving your package to XM Studios.
They will review the damage/defect and decide on the appropriate action to be taken.
Once a decision has been reached, ship the damaged/defective item back to XM Studios together with the original packaging. Shipping will be borne by the sender.
XM Studios will repair/replace the item and ship it back. Shipping will be borne by XM Studios.
ALL, XM leaves no one behind.
If you purchased through a dealer, send your photos back to XM through them.
Solid review and pictures Ski. You got some great shots. Personally I'd send that portrait back to be touched up. There was a rep in the SF thread named Kayorzz that posted this
When I asked if purchased through a retailer would XM still handle the issue and his response is below. No reason for you to drop that type of money and not have a perfect captain portrait.
great pics Mister Ski...I still haven't opened mine..I suppose I should open the box and see what all the fuss is about
Solid review and pictures Ski. You got some great shots. Personally I'd send that portrait back to be touched up. There was a rep in the SF thread named Kayorzz that posted this
When I asked if purchased through a retailer would XM still handle the issue and his response is below. No reason for you to drop that type of money and not have a perfect captain portrait.
Nice to hear how they take care of international collector. The Avengers shot is nice
7 days and the customer has to pay for shipping. Am I reading that right?