Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
I admit (that) I'm more of a fan of the BTNA designs overall, but am really looking forward to BTAS Freeze more than this one. Anywho:
The hands for this figure (more then all the other so far) are a very tight fit. The fist that the figure came with was barely hanging on as soon as I took the figure out. It looks as if the hand had already started to break when it was put in at the factory. Luckily, I won't ever use this hand.
Like Sallah has said, heating up the joints is highly recommended. Not even 10 seconds under a hair dryer will help.
Paint seems to be more sloppy on Freeze than any of the other figures so far. This seems odd (to me) as his design is very basic.
Two Face:
I do wish that they would STOP using wires to tie the figures down. They cause groves in the waist. The figs seem very secure in there plastic housing as is. Like others, it appears the leg joint on the white leg is fused together by paint. Heat up the hands if you're going to put a gun in, otherwise the gun will shave grooves in the plastic. Heating helps as they are using "crumbly" plastic. I know Two-Face's suit might be perceived as 'white' on one side, but it was actually an off-white/blue. Kenner got it.

I'm such a huge fan of the series, that I'll continue with this line (for now). At this time, I honestly can't tell if a larger set will look amazing together...or like a huge plastic mess.