wow. so much hate. guess it's apprprate in a sith thread. No justification for it mate. Some of us like SS maul. and some don't some like medi maul, and some dont.
i can see, and appreciate the sides of the plate for both figures. personaly, i realy like medi-maul, AND SSC maul. i like them both enough,m, that i plan to own both of them. Already got SSc maul, just need to get some cash for a medi-maul, some time in the next few months.
I can't, and won't defend, or downplay the faults on side-maul any more than i will the faults on medi-maul. the falts are there, and no bit of justification will make them go away.
FYI, I concur 100% with everything said by michal crawford. Yes, even the part about it not being worth 150$, or three tikmes as good as Side-maul.
The thing is, i like it enough to ignore the price enough to buy one

I'm also a good enough customizer that i'm gonna make him look as good as he can with a few changes here and there. IMHO, any SSC maul is awesome and medi sucks, or Medi is awesome and side maul sucks, is just fanboy posturing, and it's a pissing contest i can do without.
to quote Adam Hughes,
"Toys Cure cancer!"