Quick questions for those of you that have the 43. Is a dynamic stand a viable option for posing this guy(air poses), or would he be too heavy? If viable, is ebay the best spot to pick one of these stands up? Thanks for any help in advance!!!
Silver, you're all over the place! Thanks again! Thanks for the confirmation Sikatar! I'm stoked for this base, as well as figure. I'll hold off on the stand then, until I get another figure, or I'm feeling a bit froggy.
Thanks Chester! I saw this a few pages back, and wasn't sire if it was just posed like this for a pic, or actual set like this. I assume you had the Dynamic stand for another IM? Motuxmen, that's actually that I had in mind when asking about the dynamic stand. Do you have any pics, or can the be found in the 42 thread? I'll ask again hoping someone will have some insight? Is there a place to purchase the dynamic poles, or is my best bet ebay? Thank you both for the replies.
Hey no problem. It is actually set up like this. The stand is from the Thor Light Asgardian set from TDW. It's a really cool base and is quite a tall stand too. Although, the HPP IM do come with dynamic stands however they're bases are awful clunky things.
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I found this guy on facebook who makes these awesome custom figure stands and asked if he has anything that'll support Mk43 and so far, no dice. But I've already pointed it out to him and hopefully he'll have something developed for diecast figures. Great customer service from this guy too. Responds like right away. He went out of his way to test his figure stands with his diecast mk3. Look em up. It's Stoney's Stands.