The fact that Batman is killing shouldn't be trivialized, this isn't Batman killing in his first night out, this is Batman killing after probably 20 years of not killing, 20 years of him seeing and living **** that even got HIM to break and not give a **** about criminals anymore. It's not him just not
trying, it's him after 20 years of
trying going to **** because of the stuff he's been through, comics have always flirted with crossing that hypothetical line, well, this is showing us what that looks like.
I like regular Batman as much as anyone, but I often wonder, does scary Batman even work if he doesn't kill? No it doesn't. Criminals develop this mentality of "I know you're gonna send me to jail, lets get it over with, what are you gonna do? I'm more scared of my boss than I am of you", hell, Batman's says "I am vengeance", it's interesting Batman has now blurred the lines between justice and vengeance FOR REAL, because otherwise there's no real dissonance, between Supes and Bats.
And about Batman being a dudebro

no, just no. Plus there's nothing wrong with Luthor manipulating Batman, Luthor is MUCH smarter than Batman.
About the spear, why do people assume to know more about the topic than Batman who's been working on the kryptonite weapons himself? How do you even know kryptonite bullets would even work on Supes here? What if they're too fast to even manage to weaken Supes fast enough to pierce his skin and they just bounce off him like regular bullets? Even with Kryptonite gas Supes was still able to tank all sorts of blows and going through buildings and stuff... Now a spear, you wave it on front of him a little, make him weak, and then you kill him, why risk wasting kryptonite on bullets that may get lost and may not work? They made clear in this universe that Kryptonite is not easy to come by, unlike the comics where everyone has their own supply of kryptonite to use whenever they need to even things out.
Plus, a spear is ****ing cooler.
That's my 2 cents.