Yea, one of the things I love about this thread is some of the pictures that get posted that I've never seen before. It may have been you that posted some scenes of the hive with cocooned bodies in bad state of decay that I thought were awesome.
Here's a question for you BB - the flame thrower that Drake gets his hands on as they are retreating out of the hive - was it Ski's or the unit Apone took from Frost? I like knowing stuff like that and it's always been something I wondered about but I don't think we ever got an answer any where that I have seen.
OH LORDY. The arguments I have had...

This has always been one of the things that drive me insane.
To me, it is common sense that your 100% correct. He surely picked up a squadmate's unit. These are the undeniable facts:
-Dietrich, Ski, and Apone (that he took from Frost) all had flame units on the battle field.
-Screen caps prove NONE of the 3 were using the sling around their bodies. A hand grip alone secured them.
-All 3 were incapacitated and hauled away. While being incapacitated, surely those grips released (maybe not dietrich's, but hey...)
-This means there were up to 3 flame units
literally laying around. Just scattered on the battlefield and laying on the ground.
-The first appearance of the flame unit on Drake's person CLEARLY has it slung on one shoulder, over the top of all his other gear. This clearly shows it to have been thrown on hap-hazardly and not in a way one might carry a sidearm into battle on purpose.

You dont wear a 'sidearm' over your arm on top of your primary weapon and dangling outside the frame work of your body.
So physically, it is all pretty cut and dry. More common sense applied to the situation only makes it more likely. As a capable badass, he knew Ammo was low across the whole squad. He knew his own ammo was likely to go out at some point in the near future. Of course he would not leave loaded weapons laying around unused. He picked it up when falling back.
It is a simple explanation that fits every criteria of common sense. But, it was never shown on screen, so you get some who refuse to accept the easy, plausible answer. For some reason they swear up and down that he was just such a badass that he had a 'sidearm' flame thrower (even though he clearly didnt have it on his back at any point until they begin to fall back after the battle had already begun).
Sorry for the rant, but as I have said...I've been in that discussion several times and someone always wants to argue that because they didn't see him do it on screen, it couldn't happen.
I actually felt embarrassed as all hell a few years back going 'super nerd' and actually asking Mark Rolston about it. He sadly didn't remember. First he told me I was right. Then he said he had it the whole time (which is not true per video). Then I realized I was a giant nerd and this was embarrassing as there was no way he would remember unwritten script implications from 30 years ago, so I shuffled off in shame. I can be such a dork sometimes

Not proud of it, but at least I know...