Broke and happy
WTF is going on there. 

Honestly, would you even want to see it at this point?
Killing Superman off in BvS and even including Doomsday ruined any potential MoS 2 anyway.
Yes, the death and resurrection of Superman were ruined by BVS and JL, but I'd like a proper continuation to MOS. I really liked that film, and I felt that by the end, we got the JL Superman/Clark, but BVS ruined it.
So since Cavil is still under contract for one more film, a self contained story would be nice. Nothing too big, no alien invasion or Lex Luthor again, but instead a character who can be interesting, and a physical threat. Maybe, Mister Mxyzptlk but that could be too weird for the general audience, so Parasite, Bizarro or Lobo.
The Elite would be cool too, because they are a group of "cool" antiheroes, and they sort of put into question everything that Superman stands for, which "truth, justice, and the American way."
I would love Braniac in MOS2.
I think that ship sailed
Is that a HT doll under the raw chicken?
You think they will can the DCEU and hard reboot it later? Still got aquaman and WW2 confirmed.
NO they will not....soft reboots ahead and I think it hinges on who stars in The Batman
I was hoping for more of Ma Kent talking about banks and mortgage loans.
Having seen both, this would certainly be warranted. Coco was a far superior film.Watch Coco kick JL out of the 1st spot lol
That's just sad the freaking JL.
And BR 2049...?
ESB is king. But like all kings, can be dethroned.
I go back and forth on whether I think ESB has been dethroned by the theatrical cut of FOTR. Sometimes I think ESB is best, sometimes FOTR. It's hard for to imagine a film (especially another SW movie) dethroning *both* of them but hey there's no harm in trying. As long as TLJ is at least as good as ROTJ then I'll be happy.
Is that Henry and his dog??