Bring something to chew on during those Casino Planet scenes.![]()
Well it'll be nice to have a go to bathroom break I guess, lol.
Bring something to chew on during those Casino Planet scenes.![]()
How is the rebellion reborn anyway? They've been wiped the **** out! They can fit on the Millenium Falcon! No one responded to the distress call they sent out from Krayt (or whatever that planet was called) so there clearly wasn't much in the way of allies. So, what, an anecdotal tale that Luke Skywalker got off his ass at last and distracted the First Order for a little bit to allow the pitiful little band to escape again is going to rally everyone back to the rebel cause? (obviously it will but I don't know why it would, and then once they find out that Luke is now dead as opposed to merely disappeared then surely they're right back to wondering whats the point)
You can't possibly consider a 33% drop from a prior picture that made over $2 billion to be remotely comparable to the embarrassment of JL struggling to outperform a tear jerker about a little kid with a deformed face...
So did Cavill die and Fisher played Superman? Or the other way around?
Are they the same person!!!!
Omg....the Illuminati revealed..
Fisher had a better hair line.
How is the rebellion reborn anyway? They've been wiped the **** out! They can fit on the Millenium Falcon! No one responded to the distress call they sent out from Krayt (or whatever that planet was called) so there clearly wasn't much in the way of allies. So, what, an anecdotal tale that Luke Skywalker got off his ass at last and distracted the First Order for a little bit to allow the pitiful little band to escape again is going to rally everyone back to the rebel cause? (obviously it will but I don't know why it would, and then once they find out that Luke is now dead as opposed to merely disappeared then surely they're right back to wondering whats the point)
I'm curious as well. It's all about the Luke and Snoke scenes for me so I can't help but wonder if the rest of the movie will feel greatly lacking on the second viewing or if I'll consider the whole thing to be acceptably endearing, warts and all.
I want muh sta werz!
And it's a narrative that is easily proven as false. You do NOT make over a billion dollars *in two weeks* by pissing off a majority or even half of your fans. Those screaming in rage over the fact that the film treated Luke like a real character and not a plastic action figure obviously aren't in alignment with reality. Reality says that critics loved this movie (it scored 98% with "Top Critics", and a quick scan of their reviews shows they're all legit 3/4, 4/4, 4/5, or 5/5 scores) and audiences are eating it up week after week despite actual competition.
This isn't another "JL gets embarrassed by sleeper Wonder" situation. Jumanji 2 is a bona fide mini-blockbuster of its own and TLJ is still kicking it's ass.
The butt-hurt crusade ends in defeat. The SW brand isn't damaged, Luke went out like a boss, and every single one of you will be lined up on opening day for Episode IX. Now I just need to find time to go out and watch this awesome flick a second time, lol.
Nolan's prophecy holds true once again: you either die a hero... or live long enough to become the villain
It's the same character.
By Episode 9, the rebels will somehow have magically bolstered their ranks. Look at Holdo. She was nowhere to be seen during TFA and the beginning of TLJ and just shows up out of nowhere. Not even Poe, a long standing resistance pilot, knew who she was. After Ackbar died, she immediately popped up to take his place.
It's the same deal with the First Order. Their massive Starkiller Base was taken out with god knows how many troops and transportation. They lost that huge dreadnaught ship. Holdo hyperdrived the First Order's whole fleet and their Supreme Leader and all of their best guards were killed. Phasma is gone (again).
Repeat after me a-dev.
Just like the very creation of the First Order and Resistance bothers you, so to will their continued existence and eventual end. It's a **** show with both sides being poorly conceived and thoughtout. To make matters worse, now Kylo and Rey can easily see where the other person is located, making the entire "war" a complete farce.
View attachment 384995[/spoiler]
Daisy put her entry in early.
Hyperspace tracking was actually referenced in R1 when Jyn and Cassian were looking for the Death Star specs....not “really” new.
Disney is not crying over the loss of aged disgruntled cynical fans who cling to OT like it’s mana from heaven....
They are too busy counting the money and projecting profits from the new fans.....
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Absolutely, not contesting any of that. Long-range death is generally anti-climactic. In theory, it makes sense as a Jedi trick. In practice, it undermines the drama as its based on a 'lie' to the audience. It's also about as exciting as watching someone else play a video game. It's also based on a trick never shown before in a 60 year timeline, so the reveal has no satisfaction or merit based on previous clues. You know, like when you figure out a mystery and can see the strings going back to set-up the answer. Here, it's just -- Luke did a fake-out astral projection but has exhausted himself. Oh really? We learn the rules after the fact? Well thought-out.
Since he's going to commit suicide anyway, he should have killed himself first and shown up as a Force Ghost. That's established. He could have fought with lightning.
You got to admit, for Jumanji, that's a huge uptick... and coming anywhere near Star Wars is amazing in 2nd week (not a dig at Star Wars but being impressed by Jumanji).
Sad. I obviously think RO is the better movie. Wish it held its own a little better.
I'm curious as well. It's all about the Luke and Snoke scenes for me so I can't help but wonder if the rest of the movie will feel greatly lacking on the second viewing or if I'll consider the whole thing to be acceptably endearing, warts and all.
Over time this movie will be known as being worse than the prequels including phantom menace.
It will happen. The movie made its billion and everything, sure, but the reputation it will have will be as the worst stsr wars movie of all time.
Over time this movie will be known as being worse than the prequels including phantom menace.
It will happen. The movie made its billion and everything, sure, but the reputation it will have will be as the worst stsr wars movie of all time.
Thats rian Johnson's legacy. Having created the worst movie in the entire franchise.
It willl happen. Rose toys will end up in bargain bins just like jar jar did.
The money part is only relevant of how this movie will affect other future movies.
Most people feel tired now, like watching these is like a chore
A lack of Snoke Origin.. Hell if it was not for the PT we knew nothing of the Emperor
Phasma - Why do we need more of her and not every other side character in the SW Universe.
I'm curious as well. It's all about the Luke and Snoke scenes for me so I can't help but wonder if the rest of the movie will feel greatly lacking on the second viewing or if I'll consider the whole thing to be acceptably endearing, warts and all.