Do I really need to post videos of people ripping that scene?
A person can only run as fast as their own legs will carry them, holding their hand won't speed them up and in fact will likely cause them to trip and skull themselves.
Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor (twice.)
Come on man. I'm just talking about how tacky it was. The way it was done is the problem. Not the politics itself.
I agree woman are so icky.
Like when Lucy kisses Snoopy lol
I'd appreciate it if you didn't. I don't care enough to watch them.
Who runs holding hands?
Yeah, seems counterproductive. A person can only run as fast as their own legs will carry them, holding their hand won't speed them up and in fact will likely cause them to trip and skull themselves.
Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor (twice.)
i wanted to purchase this also where did you buy it for so cheap, I have a Ps4
Bingo. That why I want Rey to be a nobody.One of the main reasons I'm glad that Holdo's role wasn't given to an established character like Ackbar or Mothma is because of "small galaxy syndrome." I think it's lame when every event has to be somehow connected to OT characters. Like Jabba at the pod race, Anakin building 3PO, Boba Fett being linked to ALL the clonetroopers, Chewie being second in command at the Battle of Kashyyyk, etc.
It's nice to see new major players in a conflict that spans an entire galaxy over many decades.
That's THE worst movie you could pick!
I loved TFA, but no longer! I need a therapist now, this has caused me a major trauma.
#faqthisshtthey could make her ancestors force users from the old republic days