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- Aug 29, 2017
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What the **** is that?
All of the Finn and Poe stuff was worthless if the FO used a little piece of technology called "Looking with your Eyes"Even ifthe FO they was too far away to see the escape pod with their eyes, this film expects me to believe that they cant tell the whole rebel fleet is evacuating the ship... What about "reading the life forms"
Just a dumb plot convenience.. That is all DJ was good for.. Nothing more.. Nothing less. HE was there to give reason to the awful subplot and since the entire subplot sucked and forced me to watch the worst sequence in the series along with the 2nd worst character in the series it ends up feeling like a complete waste of time. Especially when you look at the fact the FO should have been able to tell they were evacuating.. Still could have had Haldo turn the ship around and complete her suicide run. Shave off 30 min of boring filler that way.
You point to Phasma.. Thought her purpose was fulfilled in the first film.. Finn got his "revenge" then... But hey Second revenge is always sweeter. But it did nothing to add to his character that should not have already been there.
Well it was part of him becoming a true "rebel scum" Yeah great.. And when it might really mean something and he will put his own needs behind that of the rebellion... Selfish Poe sacrifices the rebellion for her own schoolgirl crush..
Yeah Stuff happened.. Stupid, pointless, worthless stuff.
The film was filled with it.
But yeah stuff happened.
Sooooo, without the betrayal of the great DJ, the FO would have had no idea that little ships were leaving the big ship. They can turn a planet into a giant weapon, travel in hyperspace that need precise calculations, track other ships in hyperspace, but they don't have any type of tech that would detect little ships leaving the big ship. I guess the bridge just has a few guys with space binoculars looking out into the beyond then? I guess they're just so small they're scanner can't detect them?
Wasn't it in the very first movie, Ep4, that the empire detected escape pods were jettisoned from the Tantive IV, and even scan them for life forms? (Oh yeah, none of that matters anymore cause it never happened. Kennedy and Johnson just like to make stuff up and pretend TLJ is so revolutionary that all that came before will be forgotten.) I guess the FO is also dumb enough to think that when the big ship runs out of fuel, all the resistance will just sit tight and die, not try to escape in escape pods... Or maybe they believe the resistance is so dumb that they don't even have escape pods on their command ships??
Just so many questions... I'm so confused. My brain hurts. Someone make it stop.....
A pug.
Not to be confused with a Porg.
So the Mary Sue thing is cause people don’t like she’s naturally powerful , even more powerful than Vader was after years of training....
I see that.
BUT , what if she is something new? Granted that can only work if they explain it. Which is the main complaint for many fans I think....very little in explanations...
I can respect that.
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All of the Finn and Poe stuff was worthless if the FO used a little piece of technology called "Looking with your Eyes"Even ifthe FO they was too far away to see the escape pod with their eyes, this film expects me to believe that they cant tell the whole rebel fleet is evacuating the ship... What about "reading the life forms"
Just a dumb plot convenience.. That is all DJ was good for.. Nothing more.. Nothing less. HE was there to give reason to the awful subplot and since the entire subplot sucked and forced me to watch the worst sequence in the series along with the 2nd worst character in the series it ends up feeling like a complete waste of time. Especially when you look at the fact the FO should have been able to tell they were evacuating.. Still could have had Haldo turn the ship around and complete her suicide run. Shave off 30 min of boring filler that way.
You point to Phasma.. Thought her purpose was fulfilled in the first film.. Finn got his "revenge" then... But hey Second revenge is always sweeter. But it did nothing to add to his character that should not have already been there.
Well it was part of him becoming a true "rebel scum" Yeah great.. And when it might really mean something and he will put his own needs behind that of the rebellion... Selfish Poe sacrifices the rebellion for her own schoolgirl crush..
Yeah Stuff happened.. Stupid, pointless, worthless stuff.
The film was filled with it.
But yeah stuff happened.
It was directly from the Microsoft store's didgital DL's on the Xbox... Last week it Was $39.99 for a hard copy in TRU I believe...
Thank you I just ordered one,39.99 free shipping isn’t bad at all! Thanks again
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What is that supposed to mean?
Iraq "war veteran".What is that supposed to mean?
SNIKT is the pug.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of SNIKT "the wise"? I thought not. It's not a story Khev would tell you. It's a SSF legend. SNIKT was so powerful and so wise he could use the threads to create fan fiction. He had such a knowledge of the SW canon, he could even keep the ones he cared about from liking the sequel trilogy. The dark side of the forum is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his fan fiction, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, Rian Johnson killed him in his sleep. It's ironic, he could save others from the ST, but not himself."
Have to ask this.. Just watched a video about what this film got right.. One of the things mentioned is that it showed that "anybody" could be the hero..
Was that not already stressed in the OT??
I mean Han, Chewie, R2, Lando, Ewoks, 3PO, Obi Wan, Leia, Akbar, Lobotlol) The films are filled with hero's.. So why do people think this film does something special.. Because they got an awkward Asian in a main role?
Oh but you don't have to have special parents to be strong with the force.
But was that not shown in the PT??
There were tons of people strong with the force... Not just the Skywalkers.. So its no surprise that a slave with a broom might have the force or a girl abandoned by her parents.. I don't get it... I don't get the message.
I have heard people say that this was the message here on the board.. Used for both an argument for and against the film.. But again how if this different from the other films?? I mean Luke was the only one who was special in the OT (Leia latter).. But again the PT showed that the force was something you were born with..This film did nothing to negate that..
Some have used this argument for why Rey is strong with the force.. You can come from nothing and still be there hero... Which the OT still showed.. But its not the coming from nothing detractors have an issue with.. Its being so good at it that is the problem... But again... I don't get what the New films were trying to prove.. If anything.
Any answers out there either way??? I think that the "anyone can be a hero" message is overblown no matter which side you are looking at it.
Rey’s “training” came from a lifetime of surviving as a scavenger. She mastered hand-to-hand combat and piloted a variety of rustbuckets. Her awakening Force powers merely augmented those existing skills.
Granted, but again years/many months passed between Ep IV - VI. So it's easy to accept Luke's progression in the force if not seen on screen. Once someone has the basics or fundamentals taught to them, they can continue to train themselves and grow t heir abilities on their own. They don't have to have lessons from a teacher every day. .
I agree OT made it seem like anyone could do it.
But was that not shown in the PT??
There were tons of people strong with the force... Not just the Skywalkers.. So its no surprise that a slave with a broom might have the force or a girl abandoned by her parents.. I don't get it... I don't get the message.
Have to ask this.. Just watched a video about what this film got right.. One of the things mentioned is that it showed that "anybody" could be the hero..
Was that not already stressed in the OT??
I mean Han, Chewie, R2, Lando, Ewoks, 3PO, Obi Wan, Leia, Akbar, Lobotlol) The films are filled with hero's.. So why do people think this film does something special.. Because they got an awkward Asian in a main role?
Oh but you don't have to have special parents to be strong with the force.
But was that not shown in the PT??
There were tons of people strong with the force... Not just the Skywalkers.. So its no surprise that a slave with a broom might have the force or a girl abandoned by her parents.. I don't get it... I don't get the message.
I have heard people say that this was the message here on the board.. Used for both an argument for and against the film.. But again how if this different from the other films?? I mean Luke was the only one who was special in the OT (Leia latter).. But again the PT showed that the force was something you were born with..This film did nothing to negate that..
Some have used this argument for why Rey is strong with the force.. You can come from nothing and still be there hero... Which the OT still showed.. But its not the coming from nothing detractors have an issue with.. Its being so good at it that is the problem... But again... I don't get what the New films were trying to prove.. If anything.
Any answers out there either way??? I think that the "anyone can be a hero" message is overblown no matter which side you are looking at it.
It gets even better, "adjusted" score of 106.601% now ******s!
View attachment 386045
I changed my mind, THIS is the best Star Wars film ever, easily taking #1 as my top pick. Very cool.
It gets even better, "adjusted" score of 106.601% now ******s!
View attachment 386045
I changed my mind, THIS is the best Star Wars film ever, easily taking #1 as my top pick. Very cool.