Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Wouldn't put it past Disney/Lucasfilm to have deliberately put Ki Adi Mundi in the show to antagonist all the angry anti Disney YouTubers. Knowing they'd all scream but he said "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium".
Then in the last episode come up with a sub par explanation as to why they haven't broken canon and why none of the Jedi knew about Smilo.
They'll be cackling away then pleased with themselves for provoking their critics.
Wouldn't put it past Disney/Lucasfilm to have deliberately put Ki Adi Mundi in the show to antagonist all the angry anti Disney YouTubers. Knowing they'd all scream but he said "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium".
Then in the last episode come up with a sub par explanation as to why they haven't broken canon and why none of the Jedi knew about Smilo.
They'll be cackling away then pleased with themselves for provoking their critics.
I think you give them too much credit...

This is simply Occam's razor. Assume stupidty over malice essentially.

I actually think Headland was given the project because she WAS Harvey's assistant and did her job. She is just terrible and Disney knows it, but again she was given the gig because she WAS Harvey's Assistant.
Be OK if the fighters weren't 'waiting their turn' half the time.
Plus, what’s up with the camera fast-forward didn’t they trust their choreography enough to show it in regular speed?

No training videos from the OT or PT were sped up, what gives.

I protest!
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Training video.

Personally, I hate this style where half of them stand around scratch their asses "waiting" for their turn. It's just dance choreography. Same with wire-work action.

It's far more powerful when it looks like they're in more realistic numbers and actually looking like they're trying to take each others heads off. Each strike has emotion behind it.

George turned it into dance routines in the PT, then movies like Matrix Reload just had to up the ante, so now most action/fights scenes are just vapid Britney Spears videos.
Personally, I hate this style where half of them stand around scratch their asses "waiting" for their turn.
I think this is inevitable when you have a fight where it is 1 vs many. It's not only in Star Wars too. You see this happen in 1 vs many fights like in DC or Marvel shows (the Daredevil Rooftop and the Nolan Batman fights come into mind here) for example.

In the context of the show though they hid this well enough by making them fight between trees so there is only a limited amount of space for the Jedi to come attack Qimir. There is also the confusion from the Jedi since Qimir was using the Force to get in their heads as well.
All ready for printing and iron-on. :dunno :lol

Is this real or are you joking?
I think this is inevitable when you have a fight where it is 1 vs many. It's not only in Star Wars too. You see this happen in 1 vs many fights like in DC or Marvel shows (the Daredevil Rooftop and the Nolan Batman fights come into mind here) for example.

In the context of the show though they hid this well enough by making them fight between trees so there is only a limited amount of space for the Jedi to come attack Qimir. There is also the confusion from the Jedi since Qimir was using the Force to get in their heads as well.
The power of one vs mmmaaaaaannyyy.
“I was the one who really knew what Star Wars was … who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The Force, for example, nobody understood the Force,...When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up.”. - George Lucas

“The ones [ideas] that I sold to Disney, they came up to the decision that they didn’t really want to do those, ....So they made up their own." - George Lucas
In the end Lucas made a wise decision though and even seems to be ok with the "aftermath" on a personal level. Good for him, and for all of us as well. Let's face it, The Mandalorian was so much better than the Prequels...
Was this the first time we've seen a padawan die before their master in live action? If I remember right, it's always the padawans that survived their masters (Obi Wan surviving Qui-Gon, Luke surviving Yoda/Obi, Ahsoka surviving Vader, Ezra surviving Kanan). Hopefully this messes up Sol in the coming episodes.
Godzilla -1 truly highlights what can be done on a small budget if the talent is there, just like Star Wars back in 1977...
These are some of the consequences of hiring check boxes rather than qualified experienced talent. Budgets balloon due to the inability of inexperienced people to get things right the first time or in a timely matter. If they can even get them to look right at all.
Was this the first time we've seen a padawan die before their master in live action? If I remember right, it's always the padawans that survived their masters (Obi Wan surviving Qui-Gon, Luke surviving Yoda/Obi, Ahsoka surviving Vader, Ezra surviving Kanan). Hopefully this messes up Sol in the coming episodes.

It messed him up so much the show didn't even have him take a moment to cover them with a cloak, hold a hand, or anything:pfft:. We're not talking the emotion around the fall of Gandalf here.
It messed him up so much the show didn't even have him take a moment to cover them with a cloak, hold a hand, or anything:pfft:. We're not talking the emotion around the fall of Gandalf here.
Yeah, really bad scene from what I saw in the reviews I watched. Like Drinker pointed out, he just leaves the dead bodies and doesn't even collect their lightsabers!! That's even dumber than the disrespect he shows his fellow Jedi, including his own Padawan! One of the most highly coveted and sought after weapons in the SW universe, and he just walks away. A bunch just left behind for anyone to find and pick up... :slap

If he doesn't give a crap about these characters, why should the audience? :dunno
I mean it makes sense for them to GTFO as quick as possible. "Qimir" is still out there, and as we saw he came back when he found Osha unconscious.

If they stuck around they'd be dead. Leave and get reinforcements.