Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Why doesn’t every person just wear lightsaber killing armor during the PT, OT and ST era?

I mean seriously why not?

That technology worked so perfectly 100 freaking years BEFORE the PT it has to be super advanced by the time of Darth Maul, smaller, more powerful, lighter, thinner, cheaper!

Why the hell wouldn’t ObiWan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Anakin, Mace, Rey, Kylo, Maul, Palpatine and Vader use it?

This show is THAT STUPID!
Because Cortosis was supposed to be rare, and not particularly easy to work with. It's soft and useless as armor in its natural state.
Because Cortosis was supposed to be rare, and not particularly easy to work with. It's soft and useless as armor in its natural state.
100 years of tech advances will easily solve those problems.

We used to not have electricity in our homes.

Planes had to be invented.

Microchips were impossible before 1955.

Iphone more advanced than then all of NASA in the 60s.

The Jedi and Sith surely can figure out a silly EMP pulse lol

Not buying it, show breaks logic.
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Why doesn’t every person just wear lightsaber killing armor during the PT, OT and ST era?

I mean seriously why not?

That technology worked so perfectly 100 freaking years BEFORE the PT it has to be super advanced by the time of Darth Maul, smaller, more powerful, lighter, thinner, cheaper!

Why the hell wouldn’t ObiWan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Anakin, Mace, Rey, Kylo, Maul, Palpatine and Vader use it?

The advancements in technology would be off the charts.

This show is THAT STUPID!
The show didn't invent Cortosis. It existed in peoples beloved EU too.

Pretty sure that Anakin destroyed the main reserve of it in one of the Thrawn books.
Because Cortosis was supposed to be rare, and not particularly easy to work with. It's soft and useless as armor in its natural state.
Aren't Kyber crystals supposed to be pretty rare too? Yet, according to Rogue One, the empire managed to find buttloads of it since it is what powered the Death Star.

So, you'd think this material would be even more precious and those in the know would scoure the galaxy for it.

Super dumb thing to decide to pluck from the EU. But, its also the best plot armor device ever. Headland probably thought this would prove to the fans that she is worthy of writing Star Wars.

So dumb.

Maybe the siths name is Darth Cortosis. :lol
Every goddamn Clonetrooper should be wearing that anti lightsaber armor technology.

Don’t even get me started on the Stormtroopers lol
Sidious was planning on it for Order 66, but see above.

Aren't Kyber crystals supposed to be pretty rare too? Yet, according to Rogue One, the empire managed to find buttloads of it since it is what powered the Death Star.
Because The Empire hollowed out Ilum for all of its Kyber.
So Palpatine and Vader the most powerful destroyed it all and didn’t think to keep it for themselves…hmm…sure I buy that..

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Just because somerhing originated in the EU does not make it good. Lucas kept it sub canon for a reason.

The EU had a lot of bad ideas but it was possible to ignore it as only the movies mattered. Not anymore with disney, bad ideas are pretty much most of the movies and shows.
Why doesn’t every person just wear lightsaber killing armor during the PT, OT and ST era?

I mean seriously why not?

That technology worked so perfectly 100 freaking years BEFORE the PT it has to be super advanced by the time of Darth Maul, smaller, more powerful, lighter, thinner, cheaper!

Why the hell wouldn’t ObiWan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Anakin, Mace, Rey, Kylo, Maul, Palpatine and Vader use it?

The advancements in technology would be off the charts.

This show is THAT STUPID!
Depending on what happens to Sol there seems to be an excellent chance that everyone who could report back about Cortosis will be dead by the end of the show, so its lightsaber nullifying properties may remain a mystery to everyone but Darth Smiley and his acolyte.