Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Someone just hilariously pointed out that the two most popular characters in The Acolyte are men. :lol

View attachment 711984
What’s hilarious about it? They haven’t gone out of their way to portray any of the female characters as being significantly more capable than the men.

Osha has done basically nothing, Mae has never won an actual fight and Jecki along with multiple other female Jedi died to Qimir.

Just more pot stirring.
Only seeing the JJ stuff is like only watching the ST and never watching the OT.

Forgot to mention I've actually seen the "A New Hope" of the Star Trek franchise and that didn't do anything for me unfortunately. Not only did I watch the official Pilot for the Original Series, but I also saw the previously unaired one, before they replaced every single actor except for Leonard Nimoy (if memory serves). His character even had emotional responses in the cancelled version which was kind of weird. Sure, Trek brought alot to the table back in the day, but that series is virtually unwatchable now i.m.o. unless you got introduced to it in early childhood, then maybe...

Abrams reboot may not be "authentic" Star Trek (or even canon) to fans of the old tv shows, but for people who didn't have any previous investment in this world or these characters, that movie was a much needed breath of fresh air. Especially after what Lucas had done to Star Wars. That said, TFA is vastly inferior to Star Trek (2009) i.m.o. At least the reboot is highly entertaining as a standalone adventure, while TFA is just pure crap in every single department except for visual effects...

TNG, DS9 and Voyager. It takes the first couple of seasons to get going for all of those, but once they reach their stride they are vastly better than the stuff that hack JJ produced.
Enterprise isn't quite as good as the series that came before but it's still pretty decent once it gets going.

I never watch anything that "gets going" only after a couple of seasons. I'd say that's the very definition of a mediocre series right there...
What’s hilarious about it? They haven’t gone out of their way to portray any of the female characters as being significantly more capable than the men.

Osha has done basically nothing, Mae has never won an actual fight and Jecki along with multiple other female Jedi died to Qimir.

Just more pot stirring.
Due to the recent popularity findings Lucasfilm has updated their slogan.

I love you like a brother JAWS but I simply can not let you do Mando dirty like that.

Just for that i’m telling Sass what you said wait until you read his response you’ve been warned lol
Mando is only OK in my book. IMHO It’s Loved more because it wasn’t the ST instead of true quality. People were just happy to get something “not bad”. There was too much cringe with blue fish dudes, goofy garage lady, dumb mandalorian lore, and silly episodes appearing between decent episodes. Plus it looked cheap IMO.

People reacted to TFA the same way. Because it wasn’t the PT people missed the fact it just wasn’t very good.

Mando is more BOBF than it is Andor IMO

It’s better than BOBF for sure. That’s a special kind of bad.
Mando is only OK in my book. IMHO It’s Loved more because it wasn’t the ST instead of true quality. People were just happy to get something “not bad”. There was too much cringe with blue fish dudes, goofy garage lady, dumb mandalorian lore, and silly episodes appearing between decent episodes. Plus it looked cheap IMO.

People reacted to TFA the same way. Because it wasn’t the PT people missed the fact it just wasn’t very good.

Mando is more BOBF than it is Andor IMO

It’s better than BOBF for sure. That’s a special kind of bad.

I'd have to agree. It also undid decades worth of "ROTJ Boba Fett".

The desire to see Boba Fett Mando made it a must-see... but it was actually Grogu that kept people coming back.
What’s hilarious about it? They haven’t gone out of their way to portray any of the female characters as being significantly more capable than the men.

Osha has done basically nothing, Mae has never won an actual fight and Jecki along with multiple other female Jedi died to Qimir.

Just more pot stirring.

Wait now, Mae/Mei/May/Whatever won that first fight with the Jedi she initially killed. And she killed that guy in his Force bubble or whatever that was.

Osha has kept the workplace safe for all us Americans! This is a significant achievement, you sexist. ;)

I felt bad for Jecki. She tried.

Qimir now, he is the Godzilla of Sith. He's a wrecking ball. He is not to be trifled with. He needs a bath using actual soap and shampoo, true enough - but he is otherwise just raining down on everyone. I wonder how long it will take him to seduce our Workplace Heroine. Not long, I'll wager. I would blame her and shame her for being a bad Jedi wannabe, but I can find no real blame in my heart. Understandable. I mean, Jacinto obviously lives in the gym when not onset and is on a zero-fat diet. He's not to be trusted.
...And also, I am wondering.... why does Qimir not have the Sith eyes? This seems like a pretty significant omission.
He's probably not Sith. Or he could be hiding those eyes (like Palpatine in the PT).

I do think he's more of a Dark Jedi or one of the first (if not the first) Knights of Ren based from the clues so far.