Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Andor had sexier women than this.

Thinking over the cast, I can't imagine wanting to see any of these people naked other than Jacinto. That'd be worth seeing.

These women are the last thing from sexy. Andor had sexier women than this.
Mon Mothma, Cinta, Bix, Kleya, that chick Cassian woke up next to on beach resort planet..... yep, Andor had some sexy ladies indeed.

As for Acolyte... well, Carrie Anne is a beauty and I have seen Amandlas goods before, she is hotter than she appears...

As for dudes, I can't really say which of them look hot since I don't swing that way but most folk online seem to think that, as you say, Jacinto is the bees knees. Not a lot to ogle in the show I guess. I am happy for everyone to keep their clothes on if the opposite means seeing Green Beans green bean, nobody wants that (blergh). Still, two dudes with wash board abs undressed in this show for the female and gay male audience to enjoy yet no boobies makes me a sad, sad panda.
Star Wars has died multiple deaths, will its corpse be able to be reanimated after this show??? Honestly, at this point, too much permanent damage has been done to the franchise for it to ever recover, best we can hope for is that the rotting corpse be puppeted well enough that we can pretend all is ok.

Andor s2 is the only remaining hope. If that fails I feel many will check out altogether.

If KK's mission was to sabotage Lucasfilm post disney acquisition she has done an amazing job. Her hiring choices for writers/directors is impeccable in light of that goal.

When is the funeral for Willow, Indiana Jones and Star Wars being held???

all it would take is for a really amazing movie to come out and star wars is saved again. ( not a show) a movie. a show takes too long to watch week after week and you can't get that huge boost and that fast word of mouth that a movie can.

a really good movie ( Really good movie) that has a great story and great action and awesome heroes would bring this back quickly.
look at how batman begins saved batman from Batman and Robin.
we are at the batman and robin stage now.

mandalorian could have done that but with shows is harder. harder of an impact. shows are long.
has to be a great movie to give it a big boost.
Thinking over the cast, I can't imagine wanting to see any of these people naked other than Jacinto. That'd be worth seeing.

These women are the last thing from sexy. Andor had sexier women than this.
Sounds like getting all excited 'cause you're going to a nude beach then find out who exactly is nude.:oops:
Thinking over the cast, I can't imagine wanting to see any of these people naked other than Jacinto. That'd be worth seeing.

These women are the last thing from sexy. Andor had sexier women than this.

Sounds like getting all excited 'cause you're going to a nude beach then find out who exactly is nude.:oops:

I wanna see Trinity
Star Wars has died multiple deaths, will its corpse be able to be reanimated after this show??? Honestly, at this point, too much permanent damage has been done to the franchise for it to ever recover, best we can hope for is that the rotting corpse be puppeted well enough that we can pretend all is ok.

Andor s2 is the only remaining hope. If that fails I feel many will check out altogether.

If KK's mission was to sabotage Lucasfilm post disney acquisition she has done an amazing job. Her hiring choices for writers/directors is impeccable in light of that goal.

When is the funeral for Willow, Indiana Jones and Star Wars being held???
Well, Skeleton Crew might be OK. Jude Law is a good actor.

Maybe a fun 80s throwback. Andor 2 will be stellar. Favreau might be able to finesse the Mando film away from Filoni, at least put some grit into it.

Maybe folks will forget about this abomination while they are hating on ROP, and welcome Skeleton Crew with open arms. 😁
LOL my post got deleted.

Well, I see you have one post in the DEI/Political thread about R2 and an agenda about Pride Month. If that's the post you're referring to, then a mod moved it to that thread:

You'll have to contact Yoda for permission to post in the thread and continue that conversation there.

On that note: Posting about DEI, the culture wars, and politics is not allowed on the general forum. The DEI/Political Thread in The Dark Room forum is the place to have those discussions.
I don't know what DEI is. But thanks for the info. Hopefully when the wookie metal detector replica is released I can manage to post about it without making bad culture war puns.