JND Studios 1/6 scale Heath Ledger Joker figure

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While customs generally look better because care and attention to detail AND smaller runs, good luck selling those at cost. Most customs I see after the fact that people sell are well below what they paid. Sad but it is what is. Always easier to sell a licensed piece versus a custom. We'll see how this figure turns out, but the price really is the driving negative factor.
That's why you buy with the intention to keep. You're less likely to make an impulsive purchase when you consider the higher cost. But you can still get scammed. Sigh.
Never ending though, there will always be custom run suits, heads, shoes, painters, people spending a small fortune on Adam Gu sculpts, or Bobby C. Now it's Viper and other artists. Never stops haha. Just like this JND may be the best mass produced Licensed sculpt (subjective) but will still be less than the many consistent custom joker offerings. We will see. I like how the customs look, but I can't fathom spending multiple times those prices just to have another custom run made better. We all know the tech will get better and accuracy as well.
Never ending though, there will always be custom run suits, heads, shoes, painters, people spending a small fortune on Adam Gu sculpts, or Bobby C. Now it's Viper and other artists. Never stops haha. Just like this JND may be the best mass produced Licensed sculpt (subjective) but will still be less than the many consistent custom joker offerings. We will see. I like how the customs look, but I can't fathom spending multiple times those prices just to have another custom run made better. We all know the tech will get better and accuracy as well.
True. I think you have to draw the line somewhere and learn to appreciate what you have, or you'll be stuck in that perpetual cycle. It all comes down to the individual and what they're looking to get out of a certain character. But I think the improvements between custom runs will be marginal, whereas between customs and licensed figures, it's considerable.

That being said, I want to delve into putting together a custom Joker, as the desire has stayed with me for a long time, and the interest hasn't waned with what the companies have offered. But that doesn't mean having a custom will make me think any less of my Inart Joker. I still love that figure. And the thing with this character is he warrants having multiple figures for all that you can do with him. Inart will remain my clean looking mob scene Joker, whereas the custom will be the darker, more distressed looking hit me Joker.

But I think Heath Ledgers Joker brings out the best of what this craft can be. After collecting for so long, I've sort of reached an endgame. It's good to leave off with something truly special.
Well said. I hope you can make the ultimate Joker and settle. I love my IA Joker too. Between that, HT Artisan and this JND I’ll end up bashing my ultimate Joker lol. Always a struggle and I’m guilty of the never ending too. I’d love to stop haha. Post pics of the journey and good luck man!
I like it here
Hair and makeup can be dealt with, perhaps oil paint will work on the silicone, will see when I get it in hand. An oil paint and naphtha mix helps paint adhere to latex masks, perhaps a similar recipe will work for silicone. The likeness is there and that’s what matters. I’m not expecting perfectly styled nor colored hair from any company, it’s hair, as long as it can be altered we’re fine, well some of us. Funnily, I actually prefer it not to be, don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a train wreck either, but I enjoy adjusting things on my own. The less they try to get it right and mess it up, the easier work load for me. A bit funny seeing people overreact to the Artisan Anakins bed head.
Makeup looks way too washed out. Guess one of the problems of applying the paint to silicon.

To be fair it looks washed out here, the white makeup wasn’t as meticulously applied and adjusted until the interrogation scene where Caglione had more artistic freedom. That photo of the JND figure is also overexposed which is washing the paint out more. The PO photos where it’s lit a bit more naturally allows for the paint to come through better.


I must say that coat is looking really good here, could use a bit of dye but the material and shape looks promising.
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To be fair it looks washed out here, the white makeup wasn’t as meticulously applied and adjusted until the interrogation scene where Caglione had more artistic freedom. That photo of the JND figure is also overexposed which is washing the paint out more. The PO photos where it’s lit a bit more naturally allows for the paint to come through better.

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I must say that coat is looking really good here, could use a bit of dye but the material and shape looks promising.

Don’t quite follow what you’re saying Nick? The interrogation scene was the first Joker scene filmed.

Either way I still feel the JND one is too grey in the makeup.
Don’t quite follow what you’re saying Nick? The interrogation scene was the first Joker scene filmed.

Either way I still feel the JND one is too grey in the makeup.
Yes first scene filmed, the reason for his noticeably thinner and shorter hair. I was referring in regards to the timeline of the film, he didn’t get to fully showcase his makeup talent until the story calls for Ledgers makeup to start deteriorating, there he was able to get really detailed with it. Being the first scene filmed, shows the amount of talent that was at show here from everyone involved.
The paint for the make-up here looks fine to be honest, the Mob scene is the standout scene where his makeup is absolutely caked on, my recollection of him the rest of the film is it pretty much being a work face app, at least not to the degree of a pure white fresh-face. Think it's a good balance of showing it as a make-up look with skin beneath. Much prefer this to how they did the 1/3 statue.
I honestly am liking this so far as well, I’m just not a fan of the jacket being too thin, or maybe the material doesn’t seem as good as HT or inart. But the hair thinness is looking promising, the last thing I want is an Afro Heath Joker in my display.
The purple coat material here looks better than both InArt & HT, it just needs saturation and a plum hue to it. I don’t know what InArt was thinking with their material but it should have never made it to production. I’m not seeing what you mean by the material is too thin? It appears to hold it’s shape better than any we’ve had.
The purple coat material here looks better than both InArt & HT, it just needs saturation and a plum hue to it. I don’t know what InArt was thinking with their material but it should have never made it to production. I’m not seeing what you mean by the material is too thin? It appears to hold it’s shape better than any we’ve had.
I was referring to the lapels looking cheap, the real fabric had stitching which made it seemed thicker now that I realized. But now looking back at the photos I guess they all have the same thickness. I wish a company would give the damn coat some lapel stitching it’s been far too long now. 😂
I was referring to the lapels looking cheap, the real fabric had stitching which made it seemed thicker now that I realized. But now looking back at the photos I guess they all have the same thickness. I wish a company would give the damn coat some lapel stitching it’s been far too long now. 😂
I’m borderline obsessive over the coat lapels so I get it bro. We’re just now getting rooted hair, not even custom quality yet. So the prospect of companies mass producing lapels with a stitch line that’s extremely difficult to achieve correctly at this scale for customers that, for the majority, don’t pick up on little details and will purchase with or without the inclusion of it seems, far fetched. Having said that, if any company should’ve done it, it should’ve been them.