Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Star Wars "lore" is currently in transition.

George created the Jedi initially as a simple idea of space wizards. Return of the Jedi established that the Force was gender neutral, since Yoda implied Leia was "another" (the other and otherness are very loaded terms in feminist critical theory).

In the PT he got to develop their history and indicate that as an institution they weren't perfect, and that they comprised both wizards and witches.

Since Disney took the reins the Jedi have been gradually diminished, and shown to be unfit for purpose and sometimes outright corrupt.

The Acolyte depicts an effort to supplant the wizards with witches (from another cult), which supports a narrative that certain elements of Disney have been talking about for years.

It appears that Darth Plagueis, "...a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…" actually learnt that trick from the opposing cult of strictly female witches.

These are elements central to the plot of The Acolyte. To avoid the real world politics behind them, the elements can nevertheless be referred to in their in-universe political context.

Now confirmed by Leslye Headland that Darth Plagueis learned the life creating aspect of the Force from the witches.

It was never really in doubt.

"Have you heard about the tragedy that is The Acolyte?"



In another interview she said Sol's desire to protect Osha stems from "benign sexism".


So, yeah, The Acolyte is Star Wars written from a feminist perspective, and that's the way it's intended to be interpreted.
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Now confirmed by Leslye Headland that Darth Plagueis learned the life creating aspect of the Force from the witches.

It was never really in doubt.

"Have you heard about the tragedy that is The Acolyte?"

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In another interview she said Sol's desire to protect Osha stems from "benign sexism".

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So, yeah, The Acolyte is Star Wars written from a feminist perspective, and that's the way it's intended to be interpreted.

Shocked pikachu face.

Not really.

I am not surprised at all. Plaguis the Plagiarist will be more explicitly ruined next season along side Yoda. Disney are dumb enough to double down on a failure.
I just don't care about a force ability that I've seen multiple times before. My expectations for Star Wars are extremely high. It's my biggest passion in life. I've been extremely critical of it in the past with shows like OWK, BOBF and the Sequel Trilogy. I just don't see this show as being as offensively terrible as others seem to. It was mid at best, it had some stuff I liked but as a whole it's weak. I'll never watch it again but I don't hate it.

I wrote a whole lengthy response but we'll just agree to disagree instead. We're never going to change eachothers perspectives so I don't see the point. I'm checking out of this thread entirely, I don't have anything further to add.
Agree to disagree indeed.
Shocked pikachu face.

Not really.

I am not surprised at all. Plaguis the Plagiarist will be more explicitly ruined next season along side Yoda. Disney are dumb enough to double down on a failure.


There's no surprise where Headland was coming from with this, nor where she'd like to take it.

As I've written numerous times, Star Wars is just a vehicle for some of these Disney Lucasfilm writers. They have no respect for lore though they'll feign it while twisting it to suit their specific narrative.

Since every film and series is canon, every show runner has the ability to take Star Wars wherever they want, causing issues for future writers.

There's no surprise where Headland was coming from with this, nor where she'd like to take it.

As I've written numerous times, Star Wars is just a vehicle for some of these Disney Lucasfilm writers. They have no respect for lore, though they'll feign it while twisting it to suit their specific narrative.

Since every film and series is canon, every show runner has the ability to take Star Wars wherever they want, causing issues for future writers.
There is that quote falsely attributed to Tolkein (though does actually paraphrase his writings) about evil being unable to create, only distort things already existing into corrupted abominations. Seems fitting.

Star Wars was corrupted into something hideous by the creatively bankrupt evil who wish only to use it for their personal gain and pleasure.

There's no surprise where Headland was coming from with this, nor where she'd like to take it.

As I've written numerous times, Star Wars is just a vehicle for some of these Disney Lucasfilm writers. They have no respect for lore though they'll feign it while twisting it to suit their specific narrative.

Since every film and series is canon, every show runner has the ability to take Star Wars wherever they want, causing issues for future writers.
At least Disney never tried to hide any of this from the fans. If the outspoken intentions of this show and the inevitably watered down story/production quality came as a surprise to anyone, they've obviously been living under a rock. The warning signs could be seen from the ******* Moon...
It appears that Darth Plagueis, "...a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…" actually learnt that trick from the opposing cult of strictly female witches.
Now confirmed by Leslye Headland that Darth Plagueis learned the life creating aspect of the Force from the witches.
It was never really in doubt.
Headland said:
that power starting with women makes sense to me. The power exists out there,
they do their best to harness it, they make it happen.
I mean they could have just made Plagueis a woman. Though that wouldn't fit the corect narrative it had to be a man stealing/corupting something from woman. :wink1:
Irony of course not lost on anyone:

There is that quote falsely attributed to Tolkein (though does actually paraphrase his writings) about evil being unable to create, only distort things already existing into corrupted abominations. Seems fitting.

Star Wars was corrupted into something hideous by the creatively bankrupt evil who wish only to use it for their personal gain and pleasure.
"The Shadow that bred them can only mock; it cannot make: not real, new things of its own." - Frodo (Return of the King)

At least Disney never tried to hide any of this from the fans. If the outspoken intentions of this show and the inevitably watered down story/production quality came as a surprise to anyone, they've obviously been living under a rock. The warning signs could be seen from the ******* Moon...
That's no moon!

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Now confirmed by Leslye Headland that Darth Plagueis learned the life creating aspect of the Force from the witches.

It was never really in doubt.

So, yeah, The Acolyte is Star Wars written from a feminist perspective, and that's the way it's intended to be interpreted.

Which for me, across the board, just makes it fan-fiction (*&^% :poop: .

There was an essay, at one point - can't find it now - "Why Fan Fiction Sucks".

For reasons that have been already been stated. I don't, across the board, despise feminists or a "feminist perspective"; or, say, an Asian author writing an original work based on their perspective, and so on.

A fundamental reason why fan fiction sucks (unless it is a genuinely good parody) - and why many original authors loathe it - is the undermining/overturning/corruption of the original author's vision and intent. George Lucas didn't just churn out one film and leave it at that. In the end, he had constructed an entire epic arc, with certain constructs of that world - which, IMO, he managed to bruise himself with the whole midi-chlorian intro.

Clearly IMO Anakin was the Force itself (mysteriously, since it would be his son who actually achieves balance) creating. Not witches tinkering or anyone else. The minute the words "I created them" isn't different than those bottles of Snoke.

So basically, like much BAD fan fiction, this is an intrusion onto the original author's intent - which nobody wanted or asked for:poop:. The end result of someone who couldn't come up with something original. Jeez, I hate re-hash or piggy-backing on someone else's work. I don't mean something like Mando that extends the world building, or Rebels, but these folks who make Frodo and Sam "alternative":pfft:, change character genders, etc. And of course this piggy-backing always has the "new" characters as "better" and more unique e.g. snowflakes.:Flush

The other reason this is a fail, is the script was lousy anyway - (from a self indulgent narcissist who not once asked if anyone cared about her personal problems) , no-one knew what was going on, and most didn't care. The fact that this show is over and that is met with resounding relief, as tho everyone survived a mudslide, is telling.:stake Some stuff like Sol just got weird, attempted comedy failed, then there's the trope "falling for the bad boy" who murdered all your friends.:yuck
At least Disney never tried to hide any of this from the fans. If the outspoken intentions of this show and the inevitably watered down story/production quality came as a surprise to anyone, they've obviously been living under a rock. The warning signs could be seen from the ******* Moon...
In a horrible way tho, it's pretty funny. Because, Disney hit a pinnacle with Infinity War, Black Panther, Frozen....they needed to keep those dollars flowing.

Across the board, from Mulan to the Marvels to their "alternative" animated stuff to Black Panther 2, the attempts to cultivate a female audience, "foreigners" etc. has been met with complete apathy, while all those audiences went off to see Barbie instead.
Like, Eternals is so boring I forget to include it in the "failed" lists.😁

No wonder Disney is throwing money at the Russos. :monkey3 The question is, how long can KK, Disney, Feige, etc. dodge reality? It doesn't get more real than your stock tanking.
Now confirmed by Leslye Headland that Darth Plagueis learned the life creating aspect of the Force from the witches.

It was never really in doubt.

"Have you heard about the tragedy that is The Acolyte?"

View attachment 714316View attachment 714317
View attachment 714319

In another interview she said Sol's desire to protect Osha stems from "benign sexism".

View attachment 714318

So, yeah, The Acolyte is Star Wars written from a feminist perspective, and that's the way it's intended to be interpreted.

In a horrible way tho, it's pretty funny. Because, Disney hit a pinnacle with Infinity War, Black Panther, Frozen....they needed to keep those dollars flowing.

Across the board, from Mulan to the Marvels to their "alternative" animated stuff to Black Panther 2, the attempts to cultivate a female audience, "foreigners" etc. has been met with complete apathy, while all those audiences went off to see Barbie instead.
Like, Eternals is so boring I forget to include it in the "failed" lists.😁

No wonder Disney is throwing money at the Russos. :monkey3 The question is, how long can KK, Disney, Feige, etc. dodge reality? It doesn't get more real than your stock tanking.
I'd say about now is the right time for them to quit their alienating politics and start asking the real money-making questions. What do people actually want to see and how can they make those movies and tv-shows positively awesome. Unfortunately there are less and less talented people out there who dare risking their good reputation to go work for Disney, after such a prolonged, devastating display of incompetence. It's become all too obvious why so many directors left these projects in the last couple of years. At least some of those who experienced so called "Creative differences" were very likely Political Agenda casualties. Like I said in a previous post, Disney's best option right now is a new movie trilogy focusing on the adventures of Luke and R2 between ROTJ and The Mandalorian...
So, yeah, The Acolyte is Star Wars written from a feminist perspective, and that's the way it's intended to be interpreted.

I personally wouldn't call it feminist leaning in nature. ( But we can all agree to disagree on that point )

Lucas set up the Prequel Trilogy where Qui Gonn basically made up new rules for himself as he went along. Just did what he wanted. Then later, despite realizing Anakin is a threat, the Council, mostly Yoda, allows young Anakin to train as a way to honor Qui Gonn's last wishes. Again, despite centuries of rules and standards, just making it up as they went a long. Nothing stoic nor pragmatic about it, just emotional, reactionary and impulsive.

IMHO Lucas gave us emotionally driven passive aggressive Beta male Jedi. Which had no bearing on their samurai inspiration/origins. So Headland just stayed the course - the Jedi, especially Sol, were emotionally driven passive aggressive Beta males. I wouldn't say that's feminism centric as much as it denotes the current industry trend of making women more hyper masculine and men more Beta oriented to blend out the differences between the two.

Complex compact efficient character dynamics needs a push/pull of complementary and competitive interplay. It's OK if Han, Luke and Leia often disagree and each have their own faults, but you also need to see how their individual strengths actually support each other in growth and uplift the success of the collective altogether. Part of the current struggle with Star Wars characters IMHO is there are no longer any complementary dynamics in play anymore. Why would the writers do that now? It would detract from having the women in the show, on any Star Wars show, as the dominant figure in the interaction. Where I draw the distinction is overt feminism in mass entertainment truly reveals itself when it covets. Real feminism doesn't take bloom in character development until an archetype untamed male is created that they can't stop thinking about but pretend that they despise.

Current Star Wars is IMHO written from the perspective of the aggrieved passive aggressive overly emotional reactionary non working class Beta male.

But it's what Lucas gave everyone through the Prequel Trilogy. Sol isn't that much of a deviation. He's limp wristed in nature, but then again all the Jedi outside of the Holy Trilogy were limp wristed in nature ( One could argue that without Kershner's massive influence in Empire, the entire franchise surrounding the Jedi would have spun out much faster)

As for what Headland has said in interviews, she's an industry mercenary. She worked for Harvey, that's one thing, but she survived him, that's another. She'll say what is needed to 'play the game', and tragically the game is about identity politics and pseudo intersectional agendas getting pumped into the various shows. I wouldn't take anything Headland says all that seriously. One of the main tension points I see is what happened IMHO very closely with Anne Rice. At some point, she became too famous, too wealthy, too "important" and she lost all basic touch with a working class readership across the country. This is a bane with modern mass entertainment now, it's created, produced and developed by people who aren't struggling to live check to check. By people who aren't cleaning their own toilets. By folks who aren't clipping coupons every weekend.

Part of the struggle to hold onto the audience now is the open disdain for basic working class viewers. Lucas just didn't get old and lose his fastball, he lost the ability to touch grass with the large part of the fandom that's about two paychecks away from being homeless.

I appreciate The Acolyte. It's remarkably faithful to how badly Lucas set fire to his own lore. What kind of industry self righteous narcissists try to shame countless millions of fans around the world for loving what they loved as kids? The same ones who want to spit on you for committing the crime of living paycheck to paycheck. Kathleen Kennedy hears all your complaints, laughs in all your faces when she sees your Star Wars preorder lists, then decides she's going to keep spitting on you.
Other than the lesbian witches' chanting/writhing, the most blatantly in-your-face feminist aspect of the show is this sorry MFer's existence.

This cowardly flaccid puke of a man is what Headland thinks of you.
She doesn't think much of women either.

When you think about it, like Qui-Gon said, being a Jedi is a hard life. Selflessness, Mandalorians and others who wouldn't mind killing you, years of mental and physical training. I've never seen Jedi depicted so wimpy, whether male, female,

I thought padawans by default had to be kind of badass...Ezra, Ahsoka, Anakin, Cal Kestis...Obi-wan is a trusted right hand man. %$# even Bad Batch's Omega has guts. I can't relate to a Jedi who acts like someone who uses drink coasters. Or who are just boring at best, like the nepotism hire green bean.
This is funny:

Fantastic Frankey's "Interview with Leslye Headland", posted on Youtube 2nd November 2020.

"A very special interview with one of everyone's soon to be favourite director, creator, show runners, Lesyle Headland..."


Headland (Youtube transcript):

i think that sometimes when people think dream project they
think maybe something cushy or something you know uh i see this as a as a massive
challenge to uh um to take on and and and a very serious one and and
have an immense amount of respect for the the world that george builds and and
that has like um but also canon you know like everything that's going do you know what i mean like like
everything um that uh uh in legends and canon like all of that stuff
it's all i don't know there's a lot of stuff there and so not to you know to take any of that kind of
like lightly and like hey i'm gonna bring my thing into that you know what i mean i think would be a mistake it feels like i have um
i'm joining almost uh a religion

Sassafras: I can't relate to a Jedi who acts like someone who uses drink coasters.

BAHAHAHA I love this. I do. Because imo almost all Jedi act like this and always have. I still love some of 'em but they DO.

You know what? I dont give an eff what Leslie thinks of me, male or female. BUT she should know what happens when you mess with a religion: a whole bunch of folks about to be very very angry.
This is funny:

Fantastic Frankey's "Interview with Leslye Headland", posted on Youtube 2nd November 2020.

"A very special interview with one of everyone's soon to be favourite director, creator, show runners, Lesyle Headland..."

View attachment 714452

Headland (Youtube transcript):

i think that sometimes when people think dream project they
think maybe something cushy or something you know uh i see this as a as a massive
challenge to uh um to take on and and and a very serious one and and
have an immense amount of respect for the the world that george builds and and
that has like um but also canon you know like everything that's going do you know what i mean like like
everything um that uh uh in legends and canon like all of that stuff
it's all i don't know there's a lot of stuff there and so not to you know to take any of that kind of
like lightly and like hey i'm gonna bring my thing into that you know what i mean i think would be a mistake it feels like i have um
i'm joining almost uh a religion

It's like poetry....