InArt Phoenix Joker 1/6

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Honestly, I just assumed it was a new licensing deal that opened up along with the licensing for the sequels. I was more referring to all the hoops IA jumped through and how the 4-pack seems like a big, fat dud. I’d be renegotiating a release strategy to better fit the marketing, if I were them.
Ah, gotcha! I see what you are saying. That mandate really screwed InArt, but it was more a fortune of bad timing for them unfortunately.

Seems like they are working on something to get out a single version. Maybe they just release a single sculpted version. Make it more like the TDK release.
I can see why in the beginning they didn't want a merch bonanza -- they wanted that Oscar recognition. But once that was won and over, they should have open the flood gates.
During the time of its release, there was also those riots that was happening throughout the nation. The BLM and covid lockdown riots.
I'm sure that played into it too and they didn't want to be seen like theyre promoting violence, especially during that very sensitive time period
During the time of its release, there was also those riots that was happening throughout the nation. The BLM and covid lockdown riots.
I'm sure that played into it too and they didn't want to be seen like theyre promoting violence, especially during that very sensitive time period
I also remember that and how people were saying the film would insite violence because it would "inspire incels to want and commit crime" ironically it didn't do any of that and a lot of people just loved the film for being a new take on The Joker.
I also remember that and how people were saying the film would insite violence because it would "inspire incels to want and commit crime" ironically it didn't do any of that and a lot of people just loved the film for being a new take on The Joker.
Man.. that was a horrible time..with lockdowns and all. Glad we all made it out of that
I also remember that and how people were saying the film would insite violence because it would "inspire incels to want and commit crime" ironically it didn't do any of that and a lot of people just loved the film for being a new take on The Joker.
If incels were easily incited or prone to committing crimes or violence, we’d be seeing a huge rise which we’re not.
I guess WB haven’t studied up on the male sedation hypothesis.

InArt truly got boned on this license. Looks like they wanted to do something no other company could do so they went high risk and, due to the high cost of both sets, they won’t be getting that high of a reward due to low orders.

I can’t deny that the restrictions on Joker figures eased the sting of that 4 pack’s price since that was the only way it could conceivably ever be possible to own that bathroom scene Joker.
Now friggin’ Hot Toys could just announce one tomorrow.

Lifting the license restriction has really taken a lot of the shine off of the InArt sets.
During the time of its release, there was also those riots that was happening throughout the nation. The BLM and covid lockdown riots.
I'm sure that played into it too and they didn't want to be seen like theyre promoting violence, especially during that very sensitive time period

Covid lockdowns weren’t until March 2020, BLM protests were in June 2020. Joker Came out in October 2019. :huh
Covid lockdowns weren’t until March 2020, BLM protests were in June 2020. Joker Came out in October 2019. :huh
This is true, but 2019 had a lot of mass shootings, not unlike many other years. The Walmart shooting stands out in memory. More so than that, the discussion around the movie was that it was violent and sympathized with and promoted incel culture. Whether or not that is true doesn't matter if people think that's true and if the studio is afraid of being blamed as responsible for a possible crime. Here are some headlines...

Los Angeles Times: Is 'Joker' a dangerous movie?
TIME: The Problem With Joker Isn't Its Brutal Violence. It's the Muddled Message It Sends About Our Times
Vox: The fight over Joker and the new movie's "dangerous" message explained
Rolling Stone: Why Everyone Is Freaking Out About 'Joker'
If incels were easily incited or prone to committing crimes or violence, we’d be seeing a huge rise which we’re not.
I guess WB haven’t studied up on the male sedation hypothesis.
It wasn't WB who thought this or said any comment. It was a bunch of liberal media and weirdos on Twitter, who where talking the movie down because I believe no one cared about Birds of Prey which came out a few weeks or months before Joker did. And those same people were upset it wasn't getting interest like Joker was so they started saying all that stupid nonsense.
John with InArt got on a live stream last night for about 15 minutes and talked about the license.

He explained that the negotiation was it had to be that price tag for the Joker IP per requirement. They did advise them early this year that for Joker 2 it would be lowered to $50 or $250 minimum. I forget which one was said.

They found out about HT release the same time as everyone else. They didn't understand and immediately reached out to their contact to question it. They were advised that when the Joker 2 license went live, effective immediately they were retroactively lowering the Joker 1 license for anyone that already has an agreement with them.

He was also asked about why Batman was ridiculously taking so long to ship out. He kind of danced around it, but said going forward starting with Potter or Superman it should be much faster.
Oh man...I wonder what they're gonna do for damage control for folks that already POd.

I doubt that many people have this paid off in full.
So maybe just lower prices and give option to buyer to get refund or opt which SKU their NRD goes to