Hot Toys Phantom Menace Jar Jar Binks

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Okay peeps, time to close them mouthes and open them wallets to actually pay hundreds for a high-end JarJar!:yess::lol
The funniest thing about Jar Jar is he is the most directly responsible for the creation of the Empire.

He sets up the vote for Palps to claim emergency powers that lead to him being Emperor.
Never hated Jar Jar, but never hate Rose either so what would I know.

The only thing holding me back on this figure is the sheer volume of Star Wars figs Hot Toys has announced over the last last 18 months (18 days). While I have a pretty good job, at the prices now I still can't keep up on all the great figs I'd love to have. Then there is space. Even storage is full now lol. Really need to pick and choose. Having missed Qui Gon Jar Jar may be a miss too now.

Someone mentioned a bit back about Grievous also being a bit of a wet blanket character. Jar Jar was supposed to be dumb and a fool, so I can't fault the character for that and he certainly lives up too it. Grievous was supposed to be terrifying. The Micro series built such expectations Revenge of the Sith did not deliver on. And then Clone Wars basically turned him into a joke. So in that regard, Jar Jar is a more successful character. But that Grievous fig, wow. So I'll likely end up choosing that. Hopefully they can produce some more clone wars era content and redeem Grievous. But Jar Jar, you beautiful bast..., never change.

I am looking forward to all the Darth Jar Jar mods. Never really cared for that interpretation as it felt like peak copium from the usual crowd, but with the new Rebuilding the Galaxy series essentially "What If"ing that concept, I'm more curious.
Waiting for InArt version. This one looks too plasticky

Also, I absolutely do not expect half these reveals to become available. Mr Binks is one of them. Sadly.

He'll get a RSVP page and it'll be shy of number's/interest. They'll ignore him again and it'll never materialize.
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Also, I absolutely do not expect half these reveals to become available. Mr Binks is one of them. Sadly.

He'll get a RSVP page and it'll be shy of number's/interest. They'll ignore him again and it'll never materialize.
I agree. From now until December is the only hope for jar jar while the anniversary is still a thing. I do think the Chewbacca will go up, as it’s Chewbacca. Remember, everyone screamed for lando and look at his sales. Doubt we ever get another one. Personally, I hope he goes up. Whatever faults he has, rose, holdo, and any other Disney character make jar jar look like darth Vader in comparison.
I agree. From now until December is the only hope for jar jar while the anniversary is still a thing. I do think the Chewbacca will go up, as it’s Chewbacca. Remember, everyone screamed for lando and look at his sales. Doubt we ever get another one. Personally, I hope he goes up. Whatever faults he has, rose, holdo, and any other Disney character make jar jar look like darth Vader in comparison.

Wasn’t Lando part of the period where Hot Toys way over produced? I mean they’re still sitting on stock of Ahsoka and Rex from that period as well. Endgame Captain America just now went to waitlist.
Whatever you might think of the character, it's a very good sculpt.
(and the Gungans were great design work, which I think people find difficult to see through the "noise" of how they were portrayed on film. Same for the BattleDroids.)

I don't honestly think this will make it to production, but Hot Toys has done crazier things. I suppose for the people who want a main hero lineup for TPM, it won't be complete without Jar Jar. He is a main driving force in the story, and I'm pretty sure he's got more screen time than Obi-Wan did in ANH.
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After how **** SW has become these days this dumb ass is almost endearing nowadays.

I can't believe I even typed those words.
I hated the prequels back in the day, Jar Jar ruined TPM for me. However compared to what Disney has produced I have say the prequels are a work of art and Jar Jar does not seem so bad really.