Hot Toys DX46: Terminator 2: Judgment Day - T-800 (Battle Damaged Version 2.0)

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They got rid of the silicone arm that they had on display. unless if it's what being used under the jacket? But then why hide it and use silicone if it's not seen. A clean version with it is definitely coming if it isn't here. Will wait for that.


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I have two DX13 figures. Well technically my second is loose DX13 parts I purchased to assemble another figure with the second sculpt but still. Either way I’m considering getting the new release as well.

The new sculpts, leather clothing, new base, and grenade launcher all make it seem like a pretty worthy upgrade if you ask me.
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New heads or not as of right now they look worse than the dx13. I'm also hoping they use actual quality real leather and not that "genuine leather" bs byproduct that these unlicened companies use that smells like plastic because it is. Either way glad I sold my dx13 a few months ago regardless if I buy this or not
The DX10 had real leather jacket and pants and was pretty great quality IMO you smelled the leather as soon as you opened the box. Didn’t smell like plastic. I would assume that’s the same case here. Pretty sure the DOFP Logan that recently released also uses quality real leather on its jacket and belt as well.
You don't need to be a pro to tell the difference. Seriously....

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The neck texture on the new one though? Ooof!
Wow this really is like a more HD version of the original figure. Unfortunately as with most of these 2.0s, I've had the original for so long it's hard for me to get too excited about having a newer version of it. Even if it is a clear improvement.

The one exception I've made so far is for Darth Maul, just because the original looked nothing like him.
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looks great! just got the present toys version, which is no slouch, but need this HT Termi . Do you guys think the 2.0 will be also "upgraded" in height maybe?
Its tempting not gonna lie.
Still love my DX13 and that figure still looks amazing, so its not like I need this.....

Also - related note: I was gonna touch up my T-1000 liquid Terminator statue where its gone a little dull/paint has faded
Does anyone know a good mirror-like chrome paint [preferably spray paint?]
Preordered. Just watched the film again a couple of days ago after nearly 20 years of not watching it and it is still a masterpiece. Just every moment is an essential part of the movie and characters.

I got the DX13 and is my favorite DX figure. But this is a big improvement over it, specially in the eyes and hair. Also the age looks more accurate.