1:1 Iron man Bust

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the bust looks amazing. I just wish it had an edition size, that would make it perfect.

Whatever it is, you can bet it will be high. And I'm sure (as with all high dollar items) there will be a lot of cancellations.
Hahaha, I just had to call SSC to call about the bust for Flex-Pay and some other stuff I am getting this month, and the girl said, "Holy crap, you got a lot of stuff on order. I got to open some more pages." :lol

So, I went online and I have like $5K worth of stuff on order! Thank god for Flex-Pay. I know I will be cancelling some stuff other than my PF's, which will not go anywere but to my house.

And just so you know, the first FLex-Pay will be taken out in June, instead of July for the bust. That could cause some stuff to go bye-bye. :monkey2
Hahaha, I just had to call SSC to call about the bust for Flex-Pay and some other stuff I am getting this month, and the girl said, "Holy crap, you got a lot of stuff on order. I got to open some more pages." :lol

So, I went online and I have like $5K worth of stuff on order! Thank god for Flex-Pay. I know I will be cancelling some stuff other than my PF's, which will not go anywere but to my house.

And just so you know, the first FLex-Pay will be taken out in June, instead of July for the bust. That could cause some stuff to go bye-bye. :monkey2

Must be nice being stinkin' rich! :D

That, or you think you're rich and the day your credit card bill arrives *DUNT DUNT DUNT* reality sits in and you're screwed! AHHHH!

Just teasing either way.
Nope, not rich at all. I make under $45K a year and live in NorCal, which really sucks for high rents and cost of living. I just bugdet according to each month. I also never use my CCs for this stuff. It's just that Flex-Pay rocks! :rock

And I see a lot of lines that I am getting out of, so lots of stuff will get cancelled when I get my 30 to 10 Day notice.
Nope, not rich at all. I make under $45K a year and live in NorCal, which really sucks for high rents and cost of living. I just bugdet according to each month. I also never use my CCs for this stuff. It's just that Flex-Pay rocks! :rock

And I see a lot of lines that I am getting out of, so lots of stuff will get cancelled when I get my 30 to 10 Day notice.

Yup, you have to love that no cancellation fee policy. Unless you're tied down to a flex pay, then you're scrooged McDuck!

Or is that just for the really expensive stuff that eclipses $500?

In which case I have never gone the flex pay route or paid more than 300 for a Sideshow piece through SideShowtoy's website. I have paid over 500, but that was through a fellow Freak. hehe
Hell, I Flex-Pay most fo the PFs, just for the sake of taking out $100 here and there is not so bad, in my mind at least. And if I know my Flex-Pay schedule, I can budget my month better.

But yeah, their No Fee Cancellation on most stuff is amazing! Love you for that SSC!! I have noticed some steep price cuts from other online retailers, so I may soon be going elsewhere for the non-exclusive large items.
I really doesn't actually. Usually it's just me and my friends and about 4 other people in the whole theatre. :rock

I find that the biggest crowds are the evening Friday and Saturday showings, especially the late nights. Outside of that, it seems to taper off.

My group tries to beat the crowd by going to matinee shows or during the week.
I find that the biggest crowds are the evening Friday and Saturday showings, especially the late nights. Outside of that, it seems to taper off.
What's strange to me is that people know it's going to be obnoxiously or obscenely crowded on Friday and Saturday night yet they still come out in droves. I don't get it. Either they are retarded or they really love to be uncomfortably cramped for 2+ hours during a movie. The fact that going to the movies is so expensive makes me want to be as comfortable as possible. :) I ain't paying $9 to sit next to a noisy chewbacca.
Posted over at Statue Forum....

"Ironman arrives in Asia"

"He took a detour on rout to the middle east..our friendly sideshow dealer is hosting Mr Stark!!!"




Read here.

The paint doesn't look as crisp and shiny as in the backstage pass?
as that old Marvel fighting video game said when Iron Man won:

"Superior Tech!"

Sideshow just took Museum Replicas and all their helmets to school. Looking forward to mine! :D
Its a proto so its expected to a degree, had this been a "I got my Iron Man!" pic then okay....either way once this starts shipping I guarantee you'll get folks with paint slops, scuffs and everything else that comes with SSC Iron Man items.
Its a proto so its expected to a degree, had this been a "I got my Iron Man!" pic then okay....either way once this starts shipping I guarantee you'll get folks with paint slops, scuffs and everything else that comes with SSC Iron Man items.

My point exactly. History suggests many people have received Iron Man pieces with paint slops. So proto or not, at this price it's unacceptable. Usually the protos are the ones with the cleaner paint apps btw.

AGAIN, having said that it's still a solid piece.
Its a proto so its expected to a degree, had this been a "I got my Iron Man!" pic then okay....either way once this starts shipping I guarantee you'll get folks with paint slops, scuffs and everything else that comes with SSC Iron Man items.

Exactly. Which I wish wouldn't happen, but it does. :(

But like I said, if I get him and he has those kind of slops and missed areas on him, then he will got back for a better one until I am satisfied. And for $750+ with shipping and tax, I want him damned near perfect!
Exactly. Which I wish wouldn't happen, but it does. :(

But like I said, if I get him and he has those kind of slops and missed areas on him, then he will got back for a better one until I am satisfied. And for $750+ with shipping and tax, I want him damned near perfect!

Finally someone gets it!
An open edition mind you insures that you can continously send it back for "better ones", a hassle I know but at least the only alternatives won't be refunds.
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