1:6 Commander Gree Product Page Up!

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Bah, this figure and the battle droids caused me to pop my 12" cherry. I jumped aboard and ordered 1 of each. Maybe I'm just on withdraw due to the lack of SW PF's. My budget wont like me much for starting down this road. They just look to cool not to have on my shelves.

Dude it is an expensive but epic Quest you are about to embark on! I will travel to the mists of Avalon if that's what you mean...
In my nerdiest annoying voice possible "Rex is a Captain not a Commander!"


DOes SS know there are other characters in the SW universe that are not clones?

Man they are really banking on these arent they?
Yeah, I had to preorder. Just looks too cool. Such a unique trooper.

I missed out of the Battle Droids though. Figured they'll show up in different colors soon enough. IF I get any BDs, it will be that yellow commander dude.
The Khaki coloring should be more green from what I can gather. Honestly I don't really care as long as the overall looks cool. My hyper accuracy meter has burned out.
DOes SS know there are other characters in the SW universe that are not clones?

Man they are really banking on these arent they?

Dude I know, it's so completely stupid. There's this show going on for the past 3 years called the "Clone Wars" and it actually features clones from the Star Wars universe. Some stupid person at SS must have gotten an even worse idea to create 1/6 figures from said show. Makes no sense to me. :slap:slap

PS to Deeznutz-any particular reason you feel the need to p*ss on everyone's parade in these threads? What does it upset you so much that other people are happy with something? :ohbfrank::ohbfrank:
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