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He looks kinda goofy with almost no green in his camo. It should be the dominant color, especially with the intensity of the green on his upper armor. And yeah, his boots should be black.

I ordered, but I'm not keeping him unless they fix it. :lecture

Hmm I see what you mean. Looking at the prototype vs. actual movie stills the Sideshow armor is almost painted giraffe-like on his forearms and thighs. I also hope they fix that.
The only thing I don't love about the figure are his shin guards and shoes. In the movie they were a deep black which I thought was pretty cool in contrast to the rest of his armor. The shins on the figure are almost grey.

Definitely quite a bit lighter than his black undersuit.

Easy enough fix if the final figure has the same issue.
Hmm I see what you mean. Looking at the prototype vs. actual movie stills the Sideshow armor is almost painted giraffe-like on his forearms and thighs. I also hope they fix that.

Yea I didn't think anything of it until I compared the movie to the figure and the giraffe thing is what I immediately thought. It does bother me some but it's an easy fix even if it comes out like that. Still doesn't take anything away from this awesome figure for me though
____. I was trying to stay away from major clonage but I like this too much. So I guess I'm in for the commanders. So far I have to go back and get Rex, Cody and Bly only right?
Bly's not out yet, but pretty much. And the Shocktrooper can double up as ep. III Commander Thire if you want too, plus it's just a really awesome Clone design
____. I was trying to stay away from major clonage but I like this too much. So I guess I'm in for the commanders. So far I have to go back and get Rex, Cody and Bly only right?

In my nerdiest annoying voice possible "Rex is a Captain not a Commander!" j/k yeah dude i ad stopped buying sideshow stuff a long while back since plo koon, but then i bought a 501st clone and got hooked on the clones, Rex, and Cody are bad ass, i'm sure Bly and Gree will be too. Hope Bacara is next. Or Appo, but i'm almost certain he wont get made :(
Bah, this figure and the battle droids caused me to pop my 12" cherry. I jumped aboard and ordered 1 of each. Maybe I'm just on withdraw due to the lack of SW PF's. My budget wont like me much for starting down this road. They just look to cool not to have on my shelves.
it is not a butterfly.....:lecture...........it's a moth....a deadly, viscious, silent, elite killing machine moth.........:tap

Didn't notice this deadly moth on my first quick glance, but that thing is mean looking.

Seriously though, what's up with the Moth base? I ordered the EX. because I have all the other Exclusive versions but not understanding the significance of this.