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The way to have perfect articulation on a suit like this is to go the Mattel path imo. Collectors have a million suggestions but not one that'd actually work if attempted at this level.

"It should do this and should do that"

Are any of us toy makers? :lol

If you have an actual seamless suit over a true type body, how will you achieve better articulation?

I'm not saying this needs perfect articulation by any means but when the original DX02 could barely hold his arms up for 2 seconds before they start to go back down on their own, that's an issue particularly for collectors like myself who love to pose their figures. While the DC13" figure is far from perfect or good at all, that one had better articulation than the DX02 which was mostly due to the fact that it had a mesh cloth undersuit with the armor plates on top of that and not a fully rubber suit like the previous HT versions

It's not really a suggestion as it is a proven fact. I may not be a toy maker or even a big time known customizer on these boards but i've modded in my early customizing days the DCD 13" TDK Bats to a HT TT and it held poses very well
But wouldn't a cloth suit with pieces of armor attached pose newer problems? (peeling) I just can't see how it would work let alone not cost a ton at retail.

Don't get me wrong though, i'd love to see this achieved at a somewhat affordable price.
That's what excites me most. I've never been able to pose my DX02, especially the arms.

If this is cloth, i'd imagine the arms can be posed and it'll look good with the new gauntlets etc :D
:exactly: main reason I'm probably more excited about how this will look more than I was about the Joker 2.0. The only thing we had't seen were the headsculpt for the 2.0 since most, if not all, of us here had scene Kato's gear.

None of us have seen this new Batman so I'm definitely excited to see how it all turns out :panic:
:exactly: DX2 can't able to pose riding the Bat-pod, it can't even raise legs and arms up and body also cannot bend.

It was very frustrating to not be able to pose him. One o the reasons I sold mine off awhile ago
It will have better articulation because the main reason the DX02has hampered articulation is because the undersuit is just flexible rubber - so when you bend the arms, they kinda just force themselves back because the rubber wants to go back to its original position. With cloth, you will never have that issue.

Same thing with the legs


Beat me to it void :lol
But wouldn't a cloth suit with pieces of armor attached pose newer problems? (peeling) I just can't see how it would work let alone not cost a ton at retail.

Don't get me wrong though, i'd love to see this achieved at a somewhat affordable price.

Peeling could be a problem but not one I faced with my modded DCD figure. It all depends on what method HT goes about doing this.

But I'd rather be able to glue a piece of armor back on or stitch something back together than be stuck with a torn rubber suit that I dont know how to repair and can't return b/c my 30 days have already passed all due to the fact that I just wanted to pose the figure
:lol that would suck

But you think so? I know it's a very darkly lit teaser but it doesn't look like rubber to me
My DX02 would come to life at night and cop a feel on the wife.

I hope HT addresses that.


On to the cloth undersuit. TBH I didn't notice it until someone pointed it out. I'm still not sure it's not all rubber. It's too dark to tell. If it has a cloth/mesh undersuit that would be sweet. Finally a Batman figure I can pose! :yess:

Sad that even has to be said. :lol
But wouldn't a cloth suit with pieces of armor attached pose newer problems? (peeling) I just can't see how it would work let alone not cost a ton at retail.

Don't get me wrong though, i'd love to see this achieved at a somewhat affordable price.

I've been working on the mod for the Keaton Bats transfer to a vinyl fabric suit and its really quite easy. Doesn't take much time and has increased the flexibility of the figure. HT could easily do this without much effort.

Isn't the Medicom figure on fabric?
:lol that would suck

But you think so? I know it's a very darkly lit teaser but it doesn't look like rubber to me

I'm just basing it on assumption. HT's has made it easy for us to assume a lot these days :D

I've been working on the mod for the Keaton Bats transfer to a vinyl fabric suit and its really quite easy. Doesn't take much time and has increased the flexibility of the figure. HT could easily do this without much effort.

Isn't the Medicom figure on fabric?

I would love to see your progress. Also i'd love you forever if you could come up with a normal cape too :lol
I would love to see your progress. Also i'd love you forever if you could come up with a normal cape too :lol

Dude, Batman79 ( I think) took the wire and the inner layer of the cape out and it lays perfectly. It looks great. The only down side is that the inner part of the cape is gray not black. I have a second cape so that's what I will be doing to mine. Check out the DX09 thread.
Dude, Batman79 ( I think) took the wire and the inner layer of the cape out and it lays perfectly. It looks great. The only down side is that the inner part of the cape is gray not black. I have a second cape so that's what I will be doing to mine. Check out the DX09 thread.

Yeah I saw that, I think it was elvis1976 that did the mod. I'll definitely try it as long as I have a spare one. I hate customizing something that can't be reversed.
I've been working on the mod for the Keaton Bats transfer to a vinyl fabric suit and its really quite easy. Doesn't take much time and has increased the flexibility of the figure. HT could easily do this without much effort.

Isn't the Medicom figure on fabric?

tbh i dont know..
and that's because i only have the keaton bat. that's it... and so far so good.
but i just hate reading here in this forum about the problems for the different ver. for the bat suites.

sorry my english is so bad :dunno

Your English is fine..no need to apologize. Welcome to the forum.
Update me please





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