1/6 Hot Toys - Deadpool & Wolverine - Deadpool!!

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Saw this on Reddit, he/she(?) is usually pretty reliable with info. Sounds like it could be a W.E.B. Spider-Man with churro scenario.

Saw this on Reddit, he/she(?) is usually pretty reliable with info. Sounds like it could be a W.E.B. Spider-Man with churro scenario.

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"Sigh" wtf HT. This company is dumb as **** I swear. I mean if they are still putting it up for preorder then no big deal but even having the idea of making it a limited exclusive is so stupid.
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I'm guessing this is Spider-Man 2 VG situation where HT thought it was pointless to mass produce Spidey advanced suit and Miles regular suit since they were more or less like the suits from the first game...and therefore if they mass produced, it would just end up sitting on shelves.

Beyond the brightened color on Deadpool's suit, there really isn't a major distinctive change that would warrant HT's casual collectors to want to pony up to upgrade to the latest accurate shade of red. Making it an exclusive makes a whole ton of business sense since only the hardcore/OCD collectors would bite anyways.

Like I would never get this unless it came with a new Wade Wilson sculpt, which it doesn't seem like it'll be getting.
I'm guessing this is Spider-Man 2 VG situation where HT thought it was pointless to mass produce Spidey advanced suit and Miles regular suit since they were more or less like the suits from the first game...and therefore if they mass produced, it would just end up sitting on shelves.

Beyond the brightened color on Deadpool's suit, there really isn't a major distinctive change that would warrant HT's casual collectors to want to pony up to upgrade to the latest accurate shade of red. Making it an exclusive makes a whole ton of business sense since only the hardcore/OCD collectors would bite anyways.

Like I would never get this unless it came with a new Wade Wilson sculpt, which it doesn't seem like it'll be getting.
Yeah but...so then just mass produce the deluxe one with sculpt. Surely they wouldn't be worried about those warming shelves? But ig if they want this out fast for the movie, I can see why. And then they can just also double-dip us by offering one with headsculpt later. And who knows what variants they might end up doing - I also wonder actually whether they're either not doing a deluxe-with-sculpt figure yet, or not showing it off yet, because the figure or its accessories is going to be somehow spoilery and they either don't want or cannot (for licensing reasons) show that off before the movie..

It's all pretty annoying though. And this still won't be out in time for the film, it's only two weeks away. Like man, if I could pick one up at Melbourne Imax when I'm seein it on the 27th, I'd be so tempted even without a headsculpt - hell I'd at least grab a cosbaby or smth, why can't hot toys arrange stuff like that? Other toy companies have stuff out in time and available on the day or before, cinemas sell Funko pops n stuff, you'd think it'd be a no-brainer and make them a killing
I'm guessing this is Spider-Man 2 VG situation where HT thought it was pointless to mass produce Spidey advanced suit and Miles regular suit since they were more or less like the suits from the first game...and therefore if they mass produced, it would just end up sitting on shelves.

Beyond the brightened color on Deadpool's suit, there really isn't a major distinctive change that would warrant HT's casual collectors to want to pony up to upgrade to the latest accurate shade of red. Making it an exclusive makes a whole ton of business sense since only the hardcore/OCD collectors would bite anyways.

Like I would never get this unless it came with a new Wade Wilson sculpt, which it doesn't seem like it'll be getting.
Yes, but it is also the main character from what is tracking to be the biggest movie of the year, and the highest-grossing MCU movie since No Way Home. If anything I feel like this hints that there will be at least one other Deadpool figure coming, like how they did the Dusty Deadpool for the last film. It is definitely a weird situation so far, will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I'm guessing this is Spider-Man 2 VG situation where HT thought it was pointless to mass produce Spidey advanced suit and Miles regular suit since they were more or less like the suits from the first game...and therefore if they mass produced, it would just end up sitting on shelves.

Beyond the brightened color on Deadpool's suit, there really isn't a major distinctive change that would warrant HT's casual collectors to want to pony up to upgrade to the latest accurate shade of red. Making it an exclusive makes a whole ton of business sense since only the hardcore/OCD collectors would bite anyways.

Like I would never get this unless it came with a new Wade Wilson sculpt, which it doesn't seem like it'll be getting.

There is no way that Hot Toys does not make a new widely available Deadpool for the new movie. They started pre-orders for a second Captain Rex and Clone Wars Anakin while the original ones are still sitting in Sideshow stock. I also have to imagine there are a lot of new collectors who missed all the previous Deadpools.

The Spider-Man 2 figures were a curious choice, I admit, but I would argue it would make more business sense to capitalize on this new movie’s hype, which is higher than both previous Deadpools combined.
They already have placeholders. We just don’t know when it’ll go live.
I imagine we’ll see Deadpool go up the week the film is released, so maybe in two weeks time. A bit surprised they didn’t just put both Wolverine and Deadpool up then but HT doesn’t always make sense.
The only idea I think these dummies have in store for this figure would be, this is the exclusive clean standard release so it will be limited. And we get a slightly BD weathered version with a wade sculpt and a Dogpool accessorie similar to Mando and Grogu or Rocket and Cosmo.
No Hot Toys aren't stupid selling it as exclusive it will only limits they sells, it be worldwide release to maximum sell.