Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)
I see more issues. These might already have been pointed out by somebody else, but I can't check the last 304853048530 posts to avoid reposting, so here we go:
1) Face outline: forget about the damn jaw line and look at the... whole picture. Compare the front pic of the hs with this:
Sigourney has straight face sides. If you look carefully, at eye height, the area between the far end (wrt to center) of each eye and the beginning of the corresponding ear is WAY TOO WIDE. Result: a mellon. And eyes looking too small when they probably aren't, jaw line looking wrong when it probably isn't, etc.
Face outline is the face's frame. It is important. It limits the extension of the face and lays the foundation of its appearance.
2) Huge asimetry: area between nose and right eye (wrt to beholder). Look. Compare now to left eye. See it?
3) Huge asimetry II: right eye higher than left one.
Sigourney is very beautiful because, among many other sweet reasons, she is very simmetrical. These noticeable asimetries screw things up big time.
4) Ears: we need to see more of them. They act as a reference and help shape the face.
5) Chin should be way flatter and wider. Refer to the above image.
6) Sculpted hair is a horrible piece of unaccurate ****. Implanted hair looks way more realistic, even if it needs proper care.
7) Slightly too thick, unaccurate nose.
8) Eyebrows too long.
These problems can't be fixed with any paintjob, so... screw up lies unavoidably ahead.
Mouth is OK, under the nose OK. Eyelids missing, yeah.
If anybody of you can put together an Before-After with these observations, I'll consider this effort worth it.