Am I the only one who thinks that these are absolutely brilliant? And here's why:
Here in HK a single original hall of armor costs around $1150 HKD. To put that into perspective I paid around the same for my Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow Figure. For this reason, I could never justify paying that amount because I would much rather have another figure than a hall of armor. If these do in fact turn out to be Styrofoam and the price is reasonable, say $250-$300HKD for each then I would happily pay that for a lesser quality display as long as it stood up structurally. Personally I wouldn't tinker too much with the display so as long as they look decent from a normal viewing distance, why not? My figures are always displayed in a dimly lit environment and I think that these would vastly improve the look of my iron man collection for a low price. I've been collecting Iron Man figures since MK1 so if I had to spend for a hall that consisted of constantly growing armors it would cost me an arm and a leg. Hopefully this turns out to be just the thing I'm looking for. Granted the price hasn't been announced yet, nor the materials, and this may all end up being a bout of wishful thinking, but isn't having two choices always better than one? Then again, there's always the third choice of not buying either of the releases.
Choice is always a good thing.
Here's hoping that the prices are reasonable.
EDIT: I think that triangle piece is optionally used to create an curve when two armors halls are placed adjacent to one another, so that the display can be straight across or curved.