Does anybody else want a super battle damaged version (when he was fighting Thanos)?! Now THAT'S the Mk 50 I'd feel absolutely compelled to get.
Pretty sure, that's going to come out at some point. It only makes senses.
They are 100% gonna release a battle-damaged version several months after everyone has already purchased their "clean" version...they've done it with Armor Batman and pulled the same thing with dark side Anakin. If there's anything HT loves doing, it's double, triple, quadruple dipping!
Does anybody else want a super battle damaged version (when he was fighting Thanos)?! Now THAT'S the Mk 50 I'd feel absolutely compelled to get.
is SSC my (last) best place to get this, anyone recommend a different pre order place that i’m not aware of? a lot of them are sold out
no i just have no experience with them and i’m worried that pre ordering this late is gonna give me a late shipment from them where as that may not be the case from a lesser known site.
no i just have no experience with them and i’m worried that pre ordering this late is gonna give me a late shipment from them where as that may not be the case from a lesser known site.
when do you refresh these sites? when the pre order goes live, when the product goes live, or in between like at this stage?
i could see myself preordering the mark 7 (if it’s still available) walking out of end game
Has anyone bought one of the Nanosuit versions? If so where from and is it any good?
(Sorry if this is covered elsewhere , I looked but couldn't find it)
Sent from a point in space and time