Super Freak
Yeah and it now looks boring, just another red suit, not even a new design.
That bugs me a lot. Use up 40 some designs in one movie for 5 seconds...then not have a new one for AoU. Yup that right there sucks.
Yeah and it now looks boring, just another red suit, not even a new design.
That bugs me a lot. Use up 40 some designs in one movie for 5 seconds...then not have a new one for AoU. Yup that right there sucks.
The Mark XLII didn't kick ass in IM3, but it was a nice armor and I'd like to see it detroying... somethingthis suit better be useful, this Mk XLIII look good enough for me
Don't get so heated missthe same can be said for Cap and Thor, Cap is less apparent but it probably started from the Stealth suit design. Thor on the other hand looks like a carbon copy. Like someone said, the 43 could be 100% CG and we haven't seen it yet.
Same here but I think having ithe suit come to him when he "calls" it is the next step in Tony's suit evolution.
Yup, all the future suits should be like that now
I always liked the Extremis concept
The Extremis was just the under sheath right? Why not put the entire armor in him with the Bleeding Edge?
The Extremis was just the under sheath right? Why not put the entire armor in him with the Bleeding Edge?
Yeah thats would be nice, and I agree with LipSmack but we already have a talking Raccoon sobleeding edge could happen
Don't tell me what to do!
Definitely kiddingAnd you could absolutely be right. Going to be a long wait for this movie and even longer for the awesome figures that are sure to come!.....but I'll relax
That bugs me a lot. Use up 40 some designs in one movie for 5 seconds...then not have a new one for AoU. Yup that right there sucks.
Yeah but they could surprise us with a new suit, its still early.
Well we have the Hulkbuster
Tony may have built a new iron legion between films, id like to at least see some other suits even if he doesn't get to use them.
hmmm I dont think after what he did in 3 that he would build loads of suits, but I think he will be going stir crazy, but he might just make 1-3 suits between IM3 and Avengers, also it was apparent in TWS that he was keeping busy with Stark-Tech.